Chapter 15

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Fixit made his way to the barracks, seeing Soundwave on guard duty made him uneasy. "Soundwave, is Razorclaw awake? It's an emergency."

Soundwave nodded his helm and pointed to the prisoner, "What do you want, Mini-Con?" Razorclaw's voice came out.

Holding back a yelp, Fixit steeled himself as he moved closer to the cell, "Strongarm and Steeljaw have been poisoned by Quickshadow, we need to know what kind of poison she used."

"She uses different kinds of poison. What effects are they experiencing?"

"Strongarm's purging, and so is Steeljaw, he's also experiencing lightheadedness and Strongarm is shaking and her temperature is rising."

"Hmm, sounds like the poison from an alien snake which she loves to use. Starts with purging, then your temperature rises until your body gets so overheated that your circuits start to fry and your whole body starts to malfunction. Then it eventually kills you."

"Is there an antidote?" Fixit asked trying to stay calm.

"There is, but it's very rare and hard to come by."

:: Ratchet, make sure you keep Strongarm's temperature down. :: "Where can we get it?"

:: Will have a slight problem with that. Knock Out sent Steeljaw into protective mode and he won't allow any of us to get near her, but we will try. ::

"I suggest taking a look in Quickshadow's personal belongings, she usually carries the antidote with her in case she gets sick with the stuff by accident," Razorclaw replied.

"Ohh dear," Fixit rolled out of the room. "Thank you, Razorclaw!" He called as he raced out and contacted Bumblebee.

:: Lieutenant, we have a problem. I know it's late but this is an emergency, I want you to bring Grimlock with you. Meet me by Quickshadow's stasis pod. ::


Steeljaw was standing between the doctors and his mate growling ferociously at them, "Neither one of you is touching my mate while she's in her protoform! Put the armor down!"

Strongarm looks at them, "Just put the armor down and leave."

Slowly, Knock Out put the armor on the berth and backed out of the room. Ratchet sighed as he joined Knock Out, "Let us know when you're done."

Strongarm nodded as Ratchet closed the door, "Steeljaw, come here."

Steeljaw picked up the armor and walked over to his mate, growling softly as he glared at the door. Strongarm grabbed his arm, "Steeljaw, look at me."

Steeljaw stopped growling and looked at her. She smiled at him, "It's okay," she says as she caresses his face. Pulling off the sheet he helped her put her armor back on as he leaned into her touch. She pulled him down into a loving hug, Steeljaw held her for a while before calling the medics to come back in.


Fixit paced back and forth as he waited for Bumblebee and Grimlock, "Alright, Fixit. What's the emergency?" Bumblebee asked as he approached the Mini-Con with Grimlock.

"Strongarm and Steeljaw have been poisoned by Quickshadow and we're not sure how long Strongarm has. Quickshadow may have the antidote on her."

Bumblebee looks at him in surprise before venting out a sigh, "Alright let's retrieve it," he says as he opens up the stasis pod. Fixit hid behind a crate while Grimlock prepared to get the femme in case she tried anything.

"Steeljaw, my darling, you've come for me," Quickshadow rejoiced with open arms as she leaped out of the pod. Grimlock slammed her to the ground with his tail as soon as she came flying out.

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