Chapter 5

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The next day during lunch, after I gotten my food, I went out of the lunch line and spotted Helen sitting at her usual table with Ismene, I always sit with them mainly because I have no where else to sit. No one wants me to sit with them. But as I was making my way to the table, I wasn't paying attention when Randy suddenly went up to me and knocked my tray into me as my pasta splattered onto my shirt. I heard everyone gasp as some of them began to laugh.

"Well you know what they say" Randy chuckled "You are what you eat."

I felt my blood boil with anger, I couldn't get another lunch because I didn't have any money, and I didn't bring any food. So Randy pretty much ruined my lunch. But just as he was about to head off, I noticed this girl at the end of one of the table who sneakily stuck her foot out as Randy tripped over it and fell onto the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry" she said with sarcasm "I didn't see you there."

Randy gave her a mad look as he got up and stormed away. That was when I realized that the girl was Glinda, the coolest girl in school. She was another friend of mine, she actually tried to help me and Helen with our bullying problem in Freshman year, but her techniques were a bit, overboard. Instead of making us stand up to the bullies, she wanted us to turn into bullies.

She wasn't the best person before, but she's changed over the years. She's now a good friend to me and Helen, she's always there for us. But she still dresses like a supermodel, most of the time she's wearing her black leather jacket, tight pants, and black heels. She is in fact one of the hottest girls in school, but she wasn't my type.

"You okay?" she asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I assured, even though the pasta sauce was starting to make me cold.

"Here" she handed me a bag of chips "It's not much, but it's food."

"Thanks" I smiled as I took the chips.

I then make my way to the table where I sat down.

"Are you okay Achilles?" Helen asked with a worried look.

"I'm fine, I just need to clean myself up."

So after lunch, I headed into the restroom where I wiped the pasta sauce off my shirt and swapped into another shirt I had in my backpack. Luckily for me, I always carry back up clothes in my backpack. But just when I was about to leave, I suddenly heard a voice.

"Can somebody help me?" it plead.

I went over to a stall where I heard the voice came from as I pushed it open to see Promey sitting on the toilet and wrapped up in toilet paper.

"Promey?" I asked "What the hell happened?"

"Randy happened" he sighed.

I sighed as I unwrapped the toilet paper off of him.

"How long have you been in here?" I asked.

"Since 3rd period."

"3rd period?" I gasped "You missed lunch again?"

"Pretty much" he sighed.

"Oh man" I sighed "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, he didn't exactly beat me, he just left me here. Anyway, thanks for helping me, I gotta go now."

And with that he left the restroom. Poor kid, how could he stand this?



I was suppose to join my dad and Amy for dinner today, but that was when I remembered I was going to hang with Achilles today. Thank the Lord. I told my dad that I had to work on some homework with Achilles and that I couldn't make it for dinner. And even though he sound a bit disappointed, he let me go, just as long as I don't stay late.

So after school, I met up with Achilles at his car.

"You ready to go?" he asked with a small smile.

"Yeah" I smiled as we got into the car.

When we make it to his house, his mother was on her phone as always so she barely paid any attention to us as we make our way upstairs and into his room. We really did had some homework that needed to be done, so while Twenty One Pilots was playing in the background, we worked on our math.

I pretty good at math, but Achilles wasn't, but I didn't mind tutoring him, I liked helping him. So we sat at his desk as I helped him out.

"So then I divide this?" he asked as he pointed to the problem.

"Yes" I said "And then you factor, it's not the other way around."

"Got it" he smiled as he worked out the problem "How's this?"

"You got it" I smiled "You're getting better at this."

After we got everything done, we sat on the floor and chilled out.

"I noticed your hair isn't damped today" I said "Did you not get your head flushed down the toilet?"

"Again, it's in, not down" he corrected "If my head gets flushed down, I wouldn't have a head anymore."

"Right" I laughed "In."

"And to answer your question, no I did not, I think Randy forgot to do it today."

"Well he did knock your lunch into you, maybe that was enough."

"There's never enough" he sighed "So uh, how are things going for you?"

"Well, I was suppose to join my dad and his girlfriend for dinner today, but I told him that we had plans."

"You still don't like Amy?"

"I never will" I frowned "And even if she marries my dad, she still wont be my mother."

Achilles gave another sigh.

"Helen look" he said "I know how hard this is for you, but Amy might actually be interesting."

"How would you know? You never met her."

"I know, but I really do think you should give her chance."

"Yeah, not gonna happen."

"Oh come on" he urged with a smile "Can you do it for me?"

I leaned over and looked into his eyes with a smile.

"No" I said.

"That's what I thought" he sighed as I gave a laugh.

Even though I didn't want to bond with Amy, I enjoyed seeing Achilles smile, because he makes me smile.

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