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💕Maddison's POV💕

"Maddi! Get down here!!!!" I hear my mothers voice piercing through my door, from downstairs.

How does she manage to yell that loud? What did I do this time? I didn't even do anything wrong, at least I don't think so.

Well I might as well get down their.

Really 3 am? What the fuck?

I check my phone and it says THREE AM.

I quickly escape out of my covers and grab my phone and open my bedroom door, as I scurry downstairs and see my mother standing in the middle of the kitchen and tapping her foot repeatedly.

"Yeah mom?" I ask a little scared.

Oh I didn't tell you why I'm so scared of my mother?

Let me catch you up the last seventeen years.....

I was walking home (as a seven year old version of me) as I came upon my gorgeous house, and walk up the steps to the front door, as I open the door and walk inside to my parents arguing (like usual, it's ok tho they always make up and make out usually)

"Mommy? Daddy? What going on?" I ask sweetly and caring as the seven year old I am I should have stayed out of their fight.

My mother was drenched with so much anger her face made me think she was going to kill me considering she looked like a monster to me ( as again I was a seven year old little girl)

As she comes closer to me she grips my hair and pulls my hair as I'm hanging up in the air by her pulling me by my hair, as I scream in fear and in pain.

My mother never hurt me in front of my poor daddy. He loved and still loves me so much, she abuses me when my dad isn't around. Or at least did.

"She's the reason why I've been fat for being pregnant. This little spoiled brat is the reason why I didn't wanna have kids. I have to pick up after her because she's in my life! She so fucking fat Phil!!!! How is this fair to me!!!" She yells at my dad as he looks at me scared to death as I keep screaming like it depends on my life.

My own mother called me fat and a spoiled brat.

She finally let go of me.

I fall on my butt as I grumpily get up and run to my room crying and sobbing very hard I start to get a huge and mega headache.

Once I get to my bedroom I run in and shut the door behind me, as I run to my bed and jump on it and drop my head on my pillow as I start sobbing harder.

Sooner or later, minutes later the arguing from downstairs stops, I then here a door slamming with a frustrated yell or groan coming from my mother and then I hear my bedroom door open as I lift my head up and see my poor dad walking in as he shuts the door and walks over to me and sits on the bed as I crawl over to him and hug him and start sobbing again but harder than ever.

"Honey. It's ok. Your not fat or a spoiled brat, your mother doesn't know how important and special you are." My dad says smiling at me, as I lift my head up and say,
"Daddy? Why does mommy hate me? She's hated me since I've been here."I say as he says,
"She's just tired, just stay in here for a little bit to let your mother cool down ok. Listen I'll make you some of your favorite mac and cheese and hotdogs and bring you a bowl of it and you can eat it in your room. How about that sweetly?" He asks smiling at me as I smile happily.
"Yesss. Thanks daddy. I love you." I say as he replys with a 'I love you too.' As he gets up and opens the bedroom door and walks out as he shuts the door behind him.

All I did that night, was fall asleep and stayed home the next day.

Months and months past by, my dad couldn't stand my mom anymore so they decided to break up, an year later when I just turned eight, my parents decided to get divorced and they had to go to court to see which parent gets to have me.

I was surprised my mom got to have me. Why did she care? She hates me doesn't she? Why does she want me?

I realized later on she only wanted me for a slave and she got to have my brother Daniel too, so if we didn't do our chores she would abuse us.

We have marks all over our bodies. My brother would take a hit for me millions of times and I hated to see him hurt.

So you can imagine for seventeen years we were abused and my dad never saw us again. Both Danni and I lost hope that he would visit. He never did. It broke our hearts. We learned to listen to my mom if we didn't listen we would have huge consequences from her. Eventually after we turned sixteen we didn't get abused anymore but we still are very afraid of her.

I miss my dad but we can't do anything about it.

So let's get back to the beginning of the story....

"I am so sick and tired of you children, so you get to see your father and his new wife, your leaving tomorrow! Don't think about crawling back to me you spoiled brat." She yells just as my brother, Daniel walks inside the house from work.
"Thanks! I love you! Never mind sorry." I say after apologizing.

My mom doesn't allow us telling her we love her, she HATES THE LOVE WORD.

"Danni! Guess what? We get to see dad tomorrow!"I yell to Danni as we both jump up down.

"Get packing. Both of you. And your moving in with him he'll meet you at the airport tomorrow after you get to Indiana so pack up." My mom says as both Danni and I run up to our rooms and start packing.

We don't have much stuff because the rest is at our dads-

I soon get a phone call from? MY DAD?

I quickly answer as I put my phone up to my ear,

"Daddy? I've missed you!!!" I yell.
"Hey. Did you mom tell you you and your brother are moving in with me and my wife?" He answers.
"Yeah. We are both packing our stuff." I say smiling that I actually get to see my dad for once.
"Umm.. don't take your stuff with all you need is a bag of some clothes and your phone and charger me and Molly will buy you guys all you need, Molly will shop with you and I'll help your brother go tell him that right now please." He says.
"Thanks daddy. But I swear if this Molly girl only wants you for the money I'll kick her ass." I say smiling.
"Aww.. I love you too. But she's not like the others, she's very nice and sweet and caring and she barely asks for money so you may be wrong." He says.
"Ok. I'll see ya at the airport? Love you?" I sat through the phone call.
"Ok. Bye love you too." He says just as I reply with a 'goodbye' as I hang up, and run into Danni's room.
"Danni! All you need is some clothes and a bag your phone and a charger. Molly and dad are buying us the rest of our stuff. Get a good nights sleep. Goodnight." I say as he nods and I leave to go to my bed, as I start packing up my stuff in a nike duffle bag, and throw it on the floor, as I grab my laptop and shut my light off as I get under the comfy covers and watch Netflix.

I'll get a new life. A new mom. My dad. New best friends, a new city. A new house, a new family. This is much more then I asked but I'm ok with it. It's everything I ever wanted. I might even get a new crush or a boyfriend.

I soon drift off to sleep.

The Bad Boy's New Girl Book One Of The Bad Boy's SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now