Chapter 7- The Party-

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"It's amazing that the heart makes noise when it cracks." - Quotes
"Let me go." -Avril Lavigne

🔥Autumn's POV🔥

I wake up to the sound of the tv playing the movie credits from the last movie we were watching last night.

I yawn, and get out of the bed I was sharing with Alli.

"Aut? What are you doing?" Ari asks sitting up from Nikki's bed that they were sharing as she rubs her eyes from sleepiness.

"Umm... I just woke up. I'm gonna ask my mom to stay another night and I'm gonna eat some food." I answer as she nods.

I walk over to the bedroom door after grabbing my phone off charge, and open the door and walk while shutting the door behind me.

I scurry down the nice polished stairs, as I come downstairs, and see all the guys, watching tv.

"Where's Danni?" I ask Reece noticing that isn't here with them.

"He went home. To get ready for his 'date with Ariana'" Reece says rolling his eyes.

"Hey I heard that!" Ari yells from the top of the stairs.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up it's like one in the afternoon." Reece says.

"Well- that's how us girls are. We sleep in pretty late and when we don't get our sleep you probably shouldn't do anything to piss us off." I say as I pull out my phone and call Molly, apparently she gave me her number on a piece of paper before I left yesterday.

"Mom?-" I answer through the phone when she answers, and I look at Reece and he's giving me the 'before you said she's not your mom and now you call her your mom?' I soon ignore his look.

"Yeah, honey?" She answers

"Umm... is it ok if I stay over at Nikki's again? And btw... um Danni has a date later and he's like really nervous so could you do me a favor and boost up his confidence for me? He really likes this girl..." I answer.

"Yeah sure. I'll boost up his confidence and of course you can stay another night." She answers.

"Thanks so much. I'll text you later if I need anything. Bye." Answer as she replies with a 'bye.' As I hang up.

"Don't even push my buttons." I warned them as they bust out laughing.

I walk upstairs into Nikki's bedroom and see all three of them already up.

"Guys I can stay another night." I tell them as they get up and jump up down and squeal.


An hour later....

"Hey, guys there's a party at seven thirty, so are you guys coming?" Reece walks into the room, as we are watching Soongebob Squarepants on the tv.

"What the hell are you watching?" He asks.

"Have you never seen Spongebob Squarepants. How is he your brother,
Nikki?" I ask.

"I know right. He knows nothing about fun." She says smirking.

"Yeah he's such a doofus." Ari says also smirking. Now it's Alli's Turn.

"Yeah he's pretty much a stuck up asshole." She says just as Reece's face gets so angry.

"I'm right here!!! Are you coming to the party or not???" He asks.

"Yes we are going. Where's the party?" I ask.

The Bad Boy's New Girl Book One Of The Bad Boy's SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now