Chapter 9- Memories From Last Night-

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"You were a beautiful time in my life,
and if that's all you'll ever be then that's okay. Not all art is destined to hang on the same walls forever." - Quotes
"Smile"- Avril Lavigne

Chapter 9- Memories From Last Night-

🔥Autumn's POV🔥

I open my eyes to my head pounding.

I close my eyes a couple times but open them again, looking around. I'm in a bedroom, in a guys bed. I look under the covers, and am shocked, I turn and see Reece sleeping beside me.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I gasp not believing myself.

Reece wakes up as he stretches. As he opens his eyes, I asks,
"Did we?-" before I finish he answers my question,

"No. I have to go." I say getting up and taking the sheet with me, and scurrying around his bedroom grabbing my clothes and running to his bathroom and shutting the door, behind me.

As I'm getting dressed, my head starts pounding again, as I quickly get out of the bathroom, grabbing my shoes and slipping them on, as I grab my purse and slip that on, and walking to the door.

"Autumn...." Reece says coming towards me.

"Go away." I say as I open the door walking out.

As I walk downstairs I ignore the looks everyone's giving me.

I quickly walk out the door, and hear Reece yelling my name, but Ignore it, I get dizzy and start walking in the middle of road. I decided to walk somewhere to lose Reece so I start walking on the road.

"Autumn watch out!!!" Reece yells, and this time I look at him for a second then at the truck, and it's Bobby's. I look back at Reece with fear in my eyes, before I'm knocked out of my thoughts, everything goes dark and black as I fall to the ground, remembering that when I looked at Reece he fear and guilt and sadness mixed together in his eyes, and my last thought is,
I love Reece and he hurt me. I have to let him go, before everything goes dark.

🏈Reece's POV🏈

I wake up to Autumn's voice, saying,
"Oh. My. Gosh."

Aww... now I remember all this shit. She forced me to have sex with her. And she loved it. And I also loved it. God she's good in bed. But I also remember what I did yesterday to her. She was shocked. That guy at the counter put something in her drink that made her turn into this free- girl that I had to take care of. And of course I wasn't gonna take her virginity. But she made me. And I can't turn down a great opportunity to take someone's virginity. But this wasn't just any girl or someone this was the girl I was slowly falling for.

I slowly open my eyes looking her straight in her eyes.

She doesn't remember a thing. Because she's freaking the fuck out just the way she looks.

"Did we?-" she gulps down, as I give her the answer she doesn't wanna hear.

"Yup." I answer.

"No. I have to go." She says grabbing the sheet and grabbing her clothes and running to the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

I lay down for a couple seconds, when I look up to see, Autumn out of the bathroom slipping on her purse and shoes and walks to the door.

"Autumn...." I try reasoning with her but she ignores me opening the door, and running out the house.

The Bad Boy's New Girl Book One Of The Bad Boy's SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now