Chapter 8- Ariana's Date With Daniel-

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"Everyday, you make my heart race away, you make me feel like a queen, and that's the way it should be"- Chelsea Young Quotes
"Constant Crush"- VERITE
Chapter 8- Ariana's Date With Daniel-

💄Ariana's POV (Bonus POV for this chapter)💄

After a couple minutes, I come out of the shower in my dress, I walk over to my mirror and dresser and sit on the stool.

After a couple minutes, I come out of the shower in my dress, I walk over to my mirror and dresser and sit on the stool

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(Her dress)

(Her dress)

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Her shoes

I plug in my curling iron, letting it heat up, as I start putting on my makeup.

I open the lid on my eyeshadow, and make a smoky eye under my eyelids, I then apply Mascara, and apply Eyeliner. I quickly take off the top of my lipgloss, and apply some on my lips making them glossy, as I apply some blush. I quickly start curling my hair the way I want it.

I then get up and grab my purse, just as I hear a knock on the door.

"Daddy!!! Can you open the door!" I yell out my door so my dad can hear, as he says,
"Sure Princess." I shut my door as I look at myself in my mirror and adjust my dress.

I then fix my hair, as I turn off my bedroom light, and walk out of my room, shutting it behind me, as I walk down the stairs while Daniel, is standing by the end of the stairs looking at me.

I walk down to the last stair as he grabs my hand and intertwines them together as we walk over to the door.

"I'll see you later daddy." I say as he just walks away.

Maybe they had a talk that pissed him off??

Danni opens the door as we walk down the steps, as he shuts the door behind us and ushers us to his car.

"Your dad is scary." Daniel finally says, after we get into the car.

"Really? What did he say?" I ask as he starts the car and we buckle up, as we drive off.

"Yeah he basically gave me the father son talk, that if I didn't treat you right he'd tear me to little pieces and murder me, and then he said if I wanted to have sex with you, then I should have just left. Then he got mad when I said I wasn't there just for the sex." He explains.

"Yeah. My dad hates it when people are like that for some reason. He likes to have power. Just next time when we go on a date, just try to flatter him, try to become like his son. It'll work trust me I flatter him all the time and it works." I say glancing at him as he looks at me for a second and smirks.

"So you think I'm taking you out on another date?" He asks smirking again, and right away I feel embarrassed and humiliated.

"Umm.... I.... I.... never mind." I say stuttering as we make it to a fancy restaurant called 'Apple Bees.'

I unbuckle as he does the same and parks, he shuts the car off and grabs his keys, and gets out as he opens the door for me.

As we walk in I intertwine our fingers together as he looks down and smiles at me.

I start to get cold as we walk.

Daniel soon notices,
"Are you cold." He asks.

"No. I'm fine."

He doesn't seem convinced but drops it.

We wait for a waitress to get us a table, it takes a couple minutes.

"Hello. My name is Katherine, and I'll be your waitress today, let my lead you to your table." The Waitress Katherine explains, as she leads us to a table and we from across each other.

"Ok do you need a couple minutes to find what you want?" Katherine says.

"Oh, but your right here. That's all I need." Daniel says as he starts flirting with Katherine.

"What 'bout HER?" Katherine asks Emphasizing 'her' as 'me'.

"Oh. She's just a friend. She doesn't mind. Do Ariana?" He asks flirting with her a bit more.

This was a mistake. He never liked me. I can already feel my heart slowly breaking and shattering. He just wanted to mess with my head and with my feelings. Alli, Nikki, and Autumn were wrong he never did care or ever liked me back. This was a total big mistake.

"Ari? Do you mind?" He asks again.

As on que, I get up and walk out the door leaving my phone on the table, I can see my phone buzzing with a text from Autumn, but I ignore it and walk out the door, walking up the street, I can hear Danni calling my name but I ignore it. Not caring at all.

He never cared.

"Ariana!! I was kidding. Come back. Just come back!!!" I ignore him and appear in the woods.

Even though there are probably wood ticks, no matter how much I'm scared of them or hate them, I keep walking.

When I'm about to walk farther, a arm pulls me to a strong chest,

"I'm sorry..." Danni says looking at me with those gorgeous Blue eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Wanna know why?" I ask as he nods with hope and sadness along with a guilty look in his icy blue eyes.

"I liked you since I met you... who was the one who helped me get over from what Brent did to me? He cheated on me with Ashley, you know what you said? You saw me crying, no one else cared not even Alli my own sister. She was to busy gazing at Chad then seeing if I was ok. You said that I shouldn't give up on love, you told me someone was waiting for me, you told me that he wasn't worth the heartbreak, you said he wasn't worth it that he wasn't worth the grief and depression that I was going through. You told me that I had to get over him. Well you know what? I did. Because I fell for you. Because you told me, that I was strong and beautiful and that no one could tare me down. Well guess what? That's why I liked you. I fell for you even tho your interested in all the other girls. Because Danni, no matter what happens I won't and can't get over my silly crush on you. Because even tho everything we've been through I fell for you. And I'm in love with you and that's why-" before I could finish he pushes me against a tree and forces his fully- perfect lips to mine. I kiss him back turning him so he's against the tree as I pull away smiling happily.

"I like you two. By the way you left your phone at the table. And I was only flirting with Katherine because I wanted to see your reaction." He says handing me my phone as I say,
"Don't ruin the moment." I'm about to kiss him again, just as my phone rings.

I check it and see it's my dad.

"What the hell, dad? Why can't you interrupt us later?" I ask pissed off as I answer the call.

Me: "Hey, Daddy. What's up?"
Daddy: "Darling!! Get down her now!! You need to stop leaving your things plugged in!!!"
Me: "Oh ok!  I'll be there as soon as possible" I say as I end the call.

Oh no!!! I left the Curling Iron pugged in!!

"We have to leave now. My dad needs me down their right away." I tell Danni as we leave the woods and get to the car, and drive off to my house.

The Bad Boy's New Girl Book One Of The Bad Boy's SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now