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"Get her!" yelled the man on the horse. I ran through the town as the mob chased me. I looked back over my shoulder to look and they still chased me. Why? Why do I stay here?

I looked forward and turned a corner. I clutched my toy bunny to my chest. I couldn't run anymore. My legs were burning and they had horses. Why did they chase me? I never did anything to them. I knew what they would do if they would catch me.

A sacrifice. A human sacrifice. Well. Maybe a human sacrifice. You never know what makes you human. If I was human then why do they do this? I had to run. I had to get away.

"Please. Save me." I whispered as I slid down the wall. Then the men showed up. Once they turned the corner they fell of their horses as they clutched their hearts. I'm scared. Then I heard a familiar voice. It was the king and queen.

"Hanta. Are you okay?" asked the queen as she got off the carriage. I nodded. This started to be a normal occasion for me. I would get close to death and then they all die. The queen and king save me and, then we do it again.

Hanta. Hanta means hunter but, I am forever the prey. The hunted.

Welcome to my book! This goes to CandyWand. She made a book cover for my other book Enslaved Fox and then commented on this book from my book ideas book. Thank you for your support.

Word Count: 263

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