15: Massacre

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Authors Note: I am SO sorry that this took a while, but I was on vacation and I promise that I had the chapter written, but It got erased. So yeah. I was also cought up in t.v (notice that I did not say school)

This chapter may contain a attempted suicide scene. If this bothers you then please, read with caution.

I ran. My body just kept running. Why can't I stop? I know I'm supposed to be stronger then this. I know I am, and now I'm going to kill another person. Not just any people. The people who showed me kindness. Min, Nanook, Twyla and Sheila are all going to either be killed or brought back to Zurola and Sakura. I don't want to do this anymore. Stop! My body stopped running and looked up to the school. We were here. A large metal chain link fence rose out of the ground and covered the school in all directions. Under the ground and in the sky included. It hurt, but my body kept going. I still had the anti - magic seal on so it was difficult to do. I walked into the door and people looked at me and started to drop dead. I heard a familiar voice.

"Hanta! Are you responsible for all of this!?" Sheila yelled. I looked at her. Nanook was standing next to her eyeing the dead people on the ground. My body looked to them. I tried to pry myself to stay still, but it was not working. I saw two black mice crawl through the window and onto the floor. They changed into their human forms. Zurola and Sakura looked at the two people.

"Good job Hanta. You did well to find us some . . . prodigy's." Zurola told me.

"Your the ones who hypnotised her." Nanook stated.

"Righto." Sakura giggled.

"Release her. I want to hear what she actually thinks." Sheila said. Zurola shrugged.

"Hanta. Rest." she told me. I was realised and fell to the ground due to the magic seal. They all looked at me.

"Are you okay Hanta?" Nanook asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. I just . . . . used to much magic." I said pulling down the end of my shirt that was over my heart and showed them my seal.

"Hanta. Do you like being controlled by them?" Sheila continued. I had to stop and think for a moment. I never thought of the good that could come out of this. When I am under the trance I can control my powers. Though my "master" makes me kill people anyway. I slowly shook my head.

"They make me . . . kill people." I slowly said. Tear welled up in my eyes. I have killed already over 200 people. I want this to stop. Stop me from killing. Bunny is gone. I don't want to kill my friends. Min and Twyla ran up behind Nanook and Sheila. I tried to run to them but a hand grabbed my shirt collar. They pulled he back.

"Where do you think your going. Your still our property." Sakura told me. I squinted my eyes and looked at all of my friends. They were right. They could give the order for me to kill them at any time. I was their property. That was all there is to it.

"Are you kidding me. The only connection that she has to you guy is that you hypnotised her." Twyla assured.

"It's more than that. They gave me the caged bird mark. I can never fly free while I have it." I whispered putting my hand over the bird tattoo. Yeah. Never to fly again. My question is, was I ever free in the first place. I was ruled by my mom and dad, but mostly I was ruled by fear. Fear is the chains that bind us all.

"Your Hanta. Your supposed to be the hunter. That is what your name says." Min reasoned.

"Yeah. Hanta. The prey." my voice quietly said. I was the prey. I was never the hunter. Sometimes I thing it would just be easier if I stayed that way. Ask them to erase my memory. Start over again. I would never have to remember the death that I caused. I would never have to be with the king and queen. I wouldn't need to care for friends. Why can't I just forget. Forget everything. Just let go and sink into the abyss of guilt. Mom and dad especially, they died. Trying to save me. I'm responsible for their deaths. Tears started to roll down my face. I buried my face in my hands.

"I - I'm a killer. why can't I be n - normal?" I cried. Min and Twyla tried to walk towards me, but a barrier of sun shine blocked them. It was an actual burier too. No one could get through it. I fell to my knees and bent over with my forehead on the floor. A scream of pain was heard from me and the burier increased. It was so thick that the light was no longer transparent.

"HANTA calm do . . ." the sound got softer and softer until it could not be heard. An ice blade formed next to me on the floor. I sniffed as I sat up. My hand opened to grab it, then I pulled away a little. What was I doing? Was I really going to do this? The blade flew into my hand. My power. It wanted me to commit suicide. I held the knife in my hand staring at the blade. The handle twisted up to a slick dagger.

"Please. When I die. Allow me to be with mom and dad . . . And Bunny. Don't let the king, queen, Min, Twyla, Sheila, or Nanook be sad for my death. After all, death is just part of the life cycle. Right?" I said to myself. The knife shook and moved itself next to my wrist. I squinted my eyes. The dagger made contact with my wrist.

Well that's that. I promise that this is NOT THE LAST CHAPTER! Trust me. I can't even leave myself hanging here. I want to know how my story will develop. Anyway . . . see you next time. Remember to comment.

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