5: Stolen Bunny

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I watched as they stared at me. What did they expect? Me to be a little and not put any thought into the things that happen. Seriously how old do they think I am? 

"So. You knew all along and yet you still followed us?" asked Sakura. I glared at her. 

"Don't you listen at all. I said that - I was just stupid enough to fall into the trap. That means that I knew what was happening and yet I never thought about it. Well. Looks like I need some more practice now do I." I explained. She was speechless. I held my bunny close to my chest. 

"I'm the caged bird. Who can not fly. A wind up toy at best. You wind me up and I go till I run out of steam. Then you pick me up and do it again in a different direction. You are the children who control me." I looked up at them. "The people who control me." 

They were both speechless. Zurola gulped and then looked at me in the eye. "Rest." she said to me. My eyes went dull again. God this is probably my worst regret yet. Letting them hypnotize me. This is such a pain. 

"Why did you do that?" Sakura asked her older sister.

"This way we can bring her back home without having her know where the path is to get back here. That's all. We got her to do this why not use it?" Zurola explained. Her sister nodded. "Plus. She was getting annoying." she added.

"Well. How will we go about this?" Sakura asked. Zurola shrugged. "How about you tell her to go home and then when she get's their we can use the tattoo to tell her to go back to normal." Sakura suggested. Zurola shook her head. 

"That would be way to suspicious." Zurola told her. 

"Well. How about we just knock her out and put her in the outskirts of the kingdom. The king probably has troop looking for her already." Zurola thought about it for a moment but then nodded.

"Yeah that would work, but I suggest we just order her to go to sleep and then we drop her off. We don't want to kill her." Zurola decided. Her sister nodded and they both looked at me. Then Zurola walked strait in front of me.

"Sleep now, Hanta. We will call you when we want you again." she told me. I then suddenly felt really tired. What the heck was going on. Soon I fell forward landing on Zurola's shoulder. I then soon blacked out. 

"That was easier than expected." Zurola said. Sakura nodded. 


I woke up and I was tucked into a bed. I stood up and walked to the mirror looking at my back. The tattoo was still there.

"Well. So much for being all a dream. Not to mention that I'm still in the same clothes. That mean they most likely haven't already seen the mark. Good. And I'm not under their command at the moment so they must have released me from it once I was taken by the guards." I said to myself.

I then changed my clothes to a blue dress that came down to my knees. I then looked to the bed to see bunny not with me. My eyes widened and I fan downstairs. I burst into the kings and queens meeting room interupting a talk with the generals.

"HANTA! You know better then to come in here."He scolded before I stormed up to him.

"Where is she!?" I yelled at him. 

"What are you yelling about?" he asked. I growled. 

"Bunny! Give me Bunny!" I yelled to him. He looked away and I slammed my hands on the table yet since he took Bunny my powers did not kick in. The queen stood and came over to me grabbing my arm and trying to take me from the room. 

"Please excuse us." She said pulling me away. I growled and tried to pull away as we slipped out of the room. She kneeled in front of me. 

"I know your-" she started but I interrupted. 

"Don't even start with that load of crap! I know that line. He took Bunny and that is the end of it." I growled. She looked at me with concern. 

"He did this for your own good, Hanta. Can you please just give it a try?" she asked. I looked away now playing with the fringe of my dress. I didn't want ti accept it but, I also didn't want to give in. 

"No. I will get Bunny back. No matter what." she then looked at me with blue eyes gleaming. It was true. I was not going to give in. 

"I'm sorry Hanta but, you're also going to have a flight today. Remember your still going to that school." She told me I looked down. 

"Only if I get Bunny back." I snarled. She nodded. She twirled her wrist and a popsicle came out of the air above her palm. She grabbed the stick and handed to me the frozen treat. 

"I will try to convince your father to give Bunny back to you, but for now just take this and go to your room. Play your violin or something. We have three hours to give her back." she told me. I nodded taking the treat. 

"Mom your power taste so good!" I said after taking a lick. She smiled at me and I walked to my room still licking the treat. After I was done I wiped my face on a washcloth and through away the stick. 

I stared at my music while holding my instrument and then started to play. Once again I was sucked into the music not caring about a thing in the world. I felt as I wanted to stay like this forever. Play and play until the sun bursts or I turn to bones. My skeleton holding the violin. Whichever comes first. 


Well that that. This chapter goes to my sister Kit_Kat_Cat23 for all of her help with all the books I have created. Check out her books they're amazing trust me. Especially her most popular "My Dad Sold me to a Gang Leader" and the sequel "Taken for Trade."

Word Count: 1056 

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