2: Take my Bunny?

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I walked downstairs with my bunny in hand. The servant followed me as I went to the dining room. The queen and king were already sitting down. I placed my bunny in the chair next to me and looked at the plate in front of me. It was a plate of rice and sweet and sour chicken.

I guess were eating chinese tonight. I prayed silently and then took the chopsticks in my hand picking up some rice. I put a little into my mouth. I chewed slowly.

"Hanta. Do you think we can have your bunny for a while?" asked the king. I opened my eyes and starred at him. I laid the chopsticks back on the stand saying that I will eat some more later.

"Reason being?" I asked while picking up my tea cup and sipping it. They looked at each other. Then at me. The queen picked up a piece of sweet and sour chicken and put it in her mouth and after swallowing she drank a little tea.

"We feel like you would be safer if you can't use your powers for a while." I put down my cup and starred at him.

"What makes you say that?" I asked him. He stood up strait.

"We think if you can't use your power then maybe people will leave you alone." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And by taking away my bunny you will be taking away my powers taking away my only mode of defense." I reasoned with him calmly. I picked up my bunny and put it in my lap to avoid a servant stealing it.

"If your going to fit in at your school then you can't have your bunny." The king said. I looked at him confused. What was he talking about?

"Meaning?" I asked. He sighed. Obviously avoiding the question.

"Your father and I thought that it would be a good idea to send you to a different town where they don't know that you are the princess. And then you can fit in better without having to get chased by mobs all the time." The queen stated.

"One, he is not my father and he never will be. Two, your going to confiscate my only weapon. And three, Your going to send me off without my bunny!" I yelled standing up lamming my hands on the table.

"Miss. Hanta!" one of the servants said. My bunny's arm was in my hand and then the plate of food next to me caught on fire.

My hair then lifted into flames. Then I was suddenly drenched. By order, one of the servants splashed water on me to put out my head of hair.

"Sorry about the food. I will take my leave now." I said then heading back up to my room. When I got their I locked the door. I then grabbed a towel from my bathroom and dried off bunny and my hair. I changed my clothes to some pj's and starred out my window.

"They're going to send me off. Without my bunny." I told myself. I grabbed my violin and started to play. I drew the bow a crossed the bridge to make a wonderful sound. I was totally sucked into the music when the door was knocked on. I stopped still holding the bow up.

"Yes?" I asked. Their was a servant.

"The king and queen would like to speak with you." he said.

"Tell them that if it is really that important then they should come themselves." I said.

"May I come in?" he asked. I looked back at the door.

"You can try." I told him. The door knob moved.

"See. Locked from the inside. I do not feel like speaking to them at the moment. You may leave now." I told him. The foot steps left and I continued to play.

"You are mighty talented with that." said a voice. I looked over to see two black mice.

"Well. Your back." I said stopping.

"We said we were." the younger said as they both changed to humans.

"Nice to see you guys again but I am afraid you have come at a bad time." I said placing the violin back in the case and putting the music sheet away nicely.

"Really now. What is the king and queen been up to." the older asked.

"Sorry nut that is classified information that can only be shared withing the family." I told them picking up my bunny. They nodded.

"Well. We have come to give you an offer." the younger said. I looked at them.

"Kind of offer?" I asked.

"You can come with us and you can live a different life. You can forget all about this family." the older stated. I looked to the door.

"You can keep bunny." the younger said. I starred at my toy. Then I went over and sat on my bed.

"I don't know. I feel like I should go but, what wil happen to the estate. Who will take it over. How will the queen and king feel. What will happen when -" I was cut off by a finger to my mouth.

"How can a kid like you have so many stupid grown up worries." the older said.

"Because by adoptive law I am the next in line for the thrown." I told them pushing the older one's hand away.

They starred at me. I hated being adopted by those two royalty but I can't change the fact that I am a princess. And as such I must learn to lead my country. Even if it sucks. Meaning if I stay then I will get sent to another county. To go to school. Wait, since I am princess means that they can make me leave but they can't take my bunny.

"I thought you hated this life. Don't you want to forget about all of it." I shrugged. They looked at each other.

"We will come back tomorrow night. We want you to meet someone. Then you can decide your final answer." said the older one. They left and I went to bed with the door locked. I just realised. My parents never came back down.

Chapter 2 goes to be_me345. For being a good friend and reading my stories.

Word Count: 1056

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