8: Sealed Seal

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I walked back to the room leaving the kid behind now thinking. I never got his name. I simply walked back to our room to take a shower with, of course, bunny with me. I opened the door slightly to see Min and Twyla. They were both talking but when I walked in they erupted with questions.

"WHERE DID YOU GO!" Min yelled. I scratched my neck nervously.

"Just went to play some music." I said. Then Twyla looked at me.

"Hey. What's your brother's name?" I asked her.

"You met my brother?" she asked.

"It's rude to answer a question with a question." she shrugged.

"His name is Nanook." She said. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I said grabbing some clothes. I simply picked a lace nightgown and headed into the bathroom. After my shower I got dressed and put bunny in a blue dress. I slid my finger gently off the knife that I keep with me. It was starting to dull. I need to sharpen it.

I always kept a weopon with me because I can't control my powers. If someone tries to kill me I have a weapon. I put ot under my dress strapped to my waist and walked out of the room with bunny.

I walked into the bedroom and then the tattoo started to burn. I fell to my knees dropping bunny to the floor to hold my hand over the mark. Min and Twyla rushed towards me. Sweat pulled down my face and the pain made me clench my teeth to stop a scream.

"Hanta. You have no need for friends."

"What's wrong with her." Twyla asked frantically. Min pulled the corner of my dress down to show the fire hot tattoo pulsing.

"It's a binding mark. Caged bird." she said touching it with her finger.

"Rest." I stopped feeling pain. Everything just stopped.

"Stand up." I stood while Min watched me carefully. She knew what was happening and, she knew that it was trouble.

"Kill them." she ordered me. I rose my hand and grabbed Twyla by the neck. She struggled as I tightened my grip. Tears started to fall down my face. I don't want to kill her. I want her to live. I want he to be my friend. I grabbed my hidden knife and angled it to Twyla's heart.

Then the burning was replaced with the feeling of rushing water around it. I looked behind me with dull eyes to see Min with a water around her finger. I loosened the grip on Twyla and she got out. After she was free she hit the knife out of my hands making it clank to the floor and then tackled me to the ground. I struggled against their hold.

"Hold her still. I need to be able to seal her curse mark." she said as the finger covered with water entered my skin. I screamed and she just continued to do it.

"And done." she said pulling her finger back out. The door smashed open as many teachers rushed in. The tatto suddenly cooled but, only after I heard one more command through the communication link.

"Do not tell anyone anything. Stay silent. You may rest now." My eyes returned to normal and Twyla let me up. I blinked as I stood up but, I began to sway. Min stopped me from falling yet I stayed conscious.

"Hanta!" Twyla yelled but Min looked at her with kind eyes.

"No worries. She's just tired. Sealing a slave mark or even having a slave mark sealed takes a lot of energy. She will be fine." she said as we both sat against the wall.

"What do you mean slave mark? What even happened here?" asked one of the teachers.

"First of all, she came back and when she got out of the shower she fell to the ground. I guessed that she probably had a slave seal. A slave seal is a kind of magic that runs through my family. You can give people tattoos that either say that they are the master of a slave or the slave of the master, it all depends on the tattoo. The master can communicate orders to the slaves and track them. When the master uses the link the tattoo burns and they tend to be severely painful. I gave her a tattoo that allows the marks affects to not be so painful. Although it does tire out both sides when I do it. Which is the reason why we both can not stand at the moment." she explained.

My eyes widened. She sealed the seal. I looked at were my tattoo was to see a blue shade over it right now. Of course I could still see the previous bird but this tattoo over it made it become a tinted blue. The new tattoo was a circle of waves that washed over the tattoo in a spiral like shape. (Media Pic)

"Well if she is the slave. Then who is the master?" asked Twyla.

"That is not an easy thing for me to tell. I may have a good idea of who gave her the tattoo but I have no clue of who the master tattoo belongs to. I also can't tell why she tried to kill you either." she said. They all looked at me. The teachers especially. I hugged my knees close to me.

"Why did you try to kill Twyla?" asked Min.

"I - I can't say. I was ordered not to." I said.

"She was under control. Didn't you see her eyes. She didn't want to do it and she was crying while she was about to stab me." Twyla said picking my knife up off the floor and examining it.

"Well we can't just let this problem go. We need to clarify that she is safe and try to get as much information of her possible." said the principal.

"Well. I guess we can call in Nanook and Sheila." said the man. Nanook. Do they mean Twyla's brother?

This chapter is dedicated to GemHope. She's an old friend of mine and I used to read her book The Experiment Victims and she also followed me. If you read these then thanks to you. You stopped authors notes as being full chapters. Good job.

Word Count: 1064

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