20: Answer

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Authors Note: The video at the top is a girl playing the violin. If you are connected to the internet and can play it wait until I tell you. 

I blushed as my friends talked to the queen and king.

"So what was the thing you missed most about Hanta?" Twyla asked.

"Well. Probably her skills on the violin." Min and Twyla both looked at me with shock.

"You can play the violin?" Min asked. I shrugged.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"You never showed them." they asked. I shrugged in response. 

"I didn't bring my violin." I sighed. Twyla smirked and grabbed my hand. 

"Hey what are you doing." she pulled my down the halls to a large room with lots of intruments. After that she let go and picked up a black case. Once she opened it there was now a brown violin in her hand. 

"Play for us." Min said. I smiled and glided my hands down the sound making device. I smiled and took my place to start to play. (Cue music video if you like) The bow glided along the strings creating a beautiful melody. After a while Twyla to her place on the piano and started to play along. King, Queen, and Min all watched as I played the soulful sound. After the piece ended I stopped. They stared at me and then someone started to clap. I looked to the door to see Nanook. I smiled and slowly placed the violin down. 

"Hey Hanta. How was your day?" he asked me. I hugged him an answered. 

"Yeah, but I still havn't figured out the answer to your riddle." I said sadly. 

"Good because I still can't figure out the answer to your question." he smiled. 

"What?" the queen asked. Nanook and I looked back to the queen and king. 

"They asked each other questions and there trying to figure out the answers." Twyla giggled. I looked back to her with a pouty face. 

"If you would just tell me the answer then I wouldn't have to." I felt a flick on the forehead. 

"That's cheating Hanta. I can't cheat to answer your question!" I shrugged. I can't tell you if your right or wrong anyway. All I can do is try to have you find the answer. What does make you human? What does C stand for? Why are these so confusing.

"Just because you can't cheat doesn't mean I don't have to." he rolled his eyes.

"Well that just means you have a lot to learn."

"Maybe we should leave you guys alone." Twyla said. I blushed and everyone left Nanook and I alone.

"You know. Your not the wisest person in the world. You did lie to me anyway."

"No I didn't." he told me.

"Yes you did. When you said you would find the answer to my question."

"I still haven't gave up yet. Plus, you still haven't found out what C stands for."


"Well. Have you figured it out yet?"

"No. It doesn't make any sense."

"Do you want me to tell you?"

"Yes! What's the answer?" I asked earning a reply of a smile.

"Choices. Make the right choices and the time before birth and death will mean something."

"That's a good lesson." I told him.

"Sorry to say, but I still haven't figured it out." His smile then turned to a laugh

"Don't worry. I have." I smiled.

"Wait. What?"

"I figured out what makes you human."

"Well. Then tell me."

"Nothing." I answered him.

"Excuse me."

"Nothing. The question has no right answer. There all wrong. Which means that we will never know what makes you human, but that okay. All we need to know is that we're on Earth with several different kinds of creatures. We're all equal no matter what."

"When did you learn that?" he asked.

"When I told Min and Twyla that I had no answer. After that they replied with the statement so we've been trying to figure out a riddle that has no answer. After that I noticed they were right. There is no answer."

"Well that's good. Now we've both got our answers." he smiled. He's right. I have gotten my answer. I know what I want to do. I am no longer lost. I know who I am. Hanta, once the prey, has now grown to a hunter. The day has come for me to do what I want with nothing stopping me.

I am finally free from the bounds of the word human.

This is the end to my book. Thank you to all who have read this. Let me know in the comments about the answers. Did you guys like this book. Honest opinion. I will be writing other books besides this one if you guys prefer to hear more from me. Right now my plan is to publish a draft that I have called A Demon's Kitten. Hope I see you later.

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