11: Black Eyes

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I has to admit the Mac and Cheese was so good. The cheese was so melty that it glided down my throat. It was probably the best Mac and Cheese ever.

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The next morning I woke up and got ready for my first real day of school. I was kind of happy but, mostly nervous. I slung my bag over my shoulder and looked at my schedule.

"You missed yesterday so you start on the B day schedule." she said pointing to the first hour. It read Math. What? I don't understand. I went in and sat down starting to space off. Then the teacher called on me.

"Hanta. If you can't pay attention then I guess you know what the answer of this is." she said pointing to the problem. It was 1 x 2 + (300 - 279) = ? I shrugged.

"I guess." I replied back.

"Well then how about you come up and show the class then." I sighed and stood up with bunny in my hands. I took the EXPO marker and started to solve it.

"You see the order of operations state that the 300 minus the 279 goes first. Then you get the answer of 21. Then you take the 1 times 2 to get 2. Then 2 plus 21 is 23. So the answer is 23." I said now putting the cap on the marker. "May I sit back down?" I asked. She nodded. (I know this is simple but just pretend that this is very hard for the kids there age to learn)

"Even though you know how to do this you need to still pay attention." she said. All of the people were staring at me. I just played with my bunny for the whole class. Then the teacher called me up. I sighed.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Where did you go to school before this." I shrugged.

"Nowhere. I barley know what school is." I said.

"So you have no education?"

"I never said that. My parents made sure I got some sort of schooling." I said.

"Who is your parents?" I smiled.

"Look them up." her eyes narrowed. "It's a Marple thing." I said now walking out. Next I was suddenly confronted with some girls. I looked at them but just passed them only to be grabbed by the wrist and thrown back into the wall.

"Look at you. Acting all smart like the rest of us. I was trying to stay calm. I don't want to get upset and have them end up getting hurt. I have already killed to many people. I don't want to add to that list.

"Just because you're the daughter of a king and queen does not mean that suddenly you get to come to school and be better than the rest of us." she told me. I stayed silent trying to avoid looking them in the eye. They grabbed bunny from my hands.

"What's this?" one of the girls asked. I jumped trying to grab it.

"Give bunny back!" I yelled. They just tossed it around. Then one girl pulled out a pocket knife from her pocket holding it to Bunny's neck.

"Stop." I pleaded. They did not listen and the knife quickly slashed her neck and the stuffing piled out. She dropped her to the floor. I cried.

Then my tears turned to blood. Blood streaked down my face as I stood. I looked at them and they gasped.

My eyes were now pulsing from different shaded of the rainbow. Water splashed on them holding them to the wall hardening into ice. Vines smashed down from the ceiling wrapping around there throats.

Then I heard a scream. It was a janitor. As he yelled for help. A vine wrapped around his mouth and pulled him to the wall with vines embedding themselves into the stone rock. Then I saw Sheila show up with Nanook, Min, and Twyla behind her. I looked at them and my eyes stopped.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked. They looked at me.

"Hanta. Put them down." Sheila commanded. I looked at them but heard different orders in my head. I narrowed my eyes as I listened to the voice.

"Rest. No. They destroyed Bunny. It's okay to get rid of them. They have no souls. They are only here to be practice for you." The voice said. My eyes began to pulse with anger and the vines began to slowly tighten around the peoples throats. They coughed.

Then a steel pull wrapped around me like a snake. Then it turned to a pull. Fire ignited the pull but it was no use. I just burned myself. Min walked up to me with a drawing on a paper. It was a bird cage with flowers around. The same one that Zurola and Sakura have. She placed it on my tattoo and spoke.

"Stop." her command echoed in my brain. Everything seemed to completely stop moving. The vines loosened yet stayed in place.

"Good now. Rest." I was released from my trace but this time I didn't want to be released. But why? Why would I want to kill them. The metal pull slithered down like a snake and shrunk now turning into a metal band around Sheila's wrist. Min pulled the paper back and I looked down only to see the fuzz moving towards my feet. They followed my gaze to see bunny.

"If that is your power source then how did you manage to use that magic. Not to mention all magics?" Min asked me. I looked down.

"I'm sorry. I can't tell." I said to her.

"But, I do." Sheila added. Min looked to her along with everyone else.

"Unfortunately I also have to take you back to ISS. We are under strict orders to keep the school calm. That means that we need to keep you away from everyone for a while." she said. Then I looked up at her. Twyla looked to her 'brother'. Then to me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your eyes." she said. I put my hand up to them.

"They're black." Nanook finished. (Pic in Media if you can not see it then it looks like a fully black eye with no white in it except for a glare. Basically a Supernatural demon eye)


Well this was probably one of my favorite chapters ever! I love it so much. This chapter goes to @angelagabunada. She is also one of my followers.

Word Count: 1089

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