
16 3 1

WARNING: this is #9 on the list


You've never felt so shaken up your my entire life. Why would that happen? It's been weeks since you've last spoken to him, so how the hell did this come about?

It's either really late at night or really early in the morning, you can't tell. You haven't even glanced at your phone since you woke up.

The tears are gone but the sinking feeling in your stomach won't go away. Something isn't right. You stare out the window and watch the rain hit the glass.

You've tried to keep your distance from him but the uneasiness inside is telling you to do something about it.

It's been several minutes of you pacing back and forth in your bedroom, deciding what to do about the situation.

This could all be nothing and Dan would just be pissed at you for waking him up in the middle of the night. Your eyes glare at your black phone screen, fear washes over you but then all at once, you pick it up and dial his number.

1st ring.

Where's Dan? He was just here. What's that choking sound?

2nd ring.

You open the first door to your left and peer inside. On the floor is Dan, and he appears to be suffocating.

3rd ring.

You sprint to his side and roll him onto his back. "Dan!" You scream. He continues gasping for air.

4th ring

You lay him on his side again and hit his back with your palm as a form of CPR. It doesn't work. The gasps become shorter until...nothing.

"H-hello?" Dan's voice snaps you back to reality. It surprises you you so much that he actually answered you almost forget why you called.

"I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you're okay.." you say immediately.

All that comes through the the speaker is muffled breaths and something that sounds like sniffling. "Dan?" You say quietly.

"Um, it's k-kind of ironic that you c-called. I just had a massive panic attack," his voice is so small and he's crying. Your stomach drops and you swallow hard.

Words can't seem to form out of your mouth as hard as you try. What are you even supposed to say to that? There's nothing. He keeps crying and your heart keeps breaking.

"C-can you come o-over. Right n-now. Please." His voice is barely audible but you hear every word.

"I'm on my way."

You hang up and quickly grab your moccasins and wallet as you rush out the door to catch a cab. By the time you arrive to his apartment, it's nearly 4:00 a.m. The key he gave you a while back is still safely in your wallet.

It's been a long time since you've used it so it feels almost like an old friend as you pull it out and place in the key hole.

The flat is quiet. Only the sound of rain from outside can be heard and a distant ambulance. The place looks the same as you remember it. Full of plants and color.

Nostalgia fills you up and overflows but you're careful not to get emotional. You skip two steps at a time as you make your way to his bedroom. His roommate is probably still sleeping so you take quieter steps near his bedroom.

You place your hand on Dan's door, feeling the familiar white wood under your finger tips. With the other hand, you turn the nob and enter his room.

Dan stands up from his spot on the floor almost immediately.

His eyes are noticeably red despite the darkness of the room. His hair is curly and his shirt is off, leaving him in only his Pokemon Trainer sweats.

You close the door behind you but don't move from where you're standing. Both of you stare at each other from across the room.

All of the moments you've ever spent together flood your mind all at once. The ice cream trips, the video game battles, the Netflix marathons, the Tumblr scrolling. All of it.

Everything that went wrong seems to peel away from this moment of you two just staring at each other. Then, in one swift move, Dan strides over to you in long steps and wraps his arms around your torso.

He squeezes you harder than he ever has before. It's as if he's squeezing all the broken pieces back together again. Suddenly you start to cry, unaware of how much you missed this.

Dan starts to cry too, letting out short breaths into your neck. He feels so warm, so soft, so..Dan. This never had to end yet it did and you regret ever bit of it. As you hug, you make a promise to yourself to never let him go again.

"I love you, and I'm so so sorry," Dan takes a shaky breath, "for everything."

You smile into his shoulder, "I've always loved you."


Thanks for reading! Special thanks to xxgirliesxx for the suggestion!

Check out the chapter titled 'prompts' and suggest a prompt for us to write about!

Xoxo - sapphy

One Shots ; D.H Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora