Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

(Previously) He followed me in and made me sit in a chair that was in there.

Turning around he got some ice and a napkin. He put the handmade icepack on my cheek allowing me to hold the icepack to my face as he turned around, wetting another paper towel.

Grabbing my hand he began to clean the dried blood from them.

"So, what do you do?" He asked making conversation.

"Oh, I'm a personal trainer, you? I know you kinda work here but what do you do?" I asked curiously as I held the icepack to my cheek and on my lip.

"You're a personal trainer huh? That's nice," he said softly, "I am the head of a department."

"Oh yea? That's cool, what department?" I asked curiously while swinging my feet back and forth.

He coughed and then said, "Someone could say that I'm head finance." He continued to clean my knuckles and then he began to wipe the blood off of my cheek.

"Oh that's cool." I then got up and pushed is hand away from my face, "Well, thank you so much for helping me. But now I need to get home."

"Oh," his face looked like a puppy that got kicked, "well I'll drive you home then." He said with a small smile.

"I wouldn't want to incontinence you." I said fixing the chair.

"Oh, no problem; I was on my way out anyway." He picked up the folder he had been holding, that I hadn't noticed, "I insist."

I really didn't have an argument against that, I couldn't just say, 'Oh I want to get beat up again.' So, I guess I have to accept and be nice.

"Ok, thank you."

He began to walk away and go towards the elevator while I followed along behind him.

He then pushed the button and stepped back almost bumping into me.

I stepped back saying sorry.

He kept glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"You know, I already know that I'm strange, you don't have to stare." I said turning my body towards him.

"I don't find you strange. I think you quite interesting" (I don't mean this in the European way of dull, I say this in the American of enthusiastic sort of way). He turned his body towards him and just kept looking at me. Not in a creepy way, just as in calculating who I was as a person kind of way.

The elevator opened and he then turned and walked inside.

"Your weird you know that?" I said putting my hands on my hips and walking in the elevator.

"Should I take that as an insult or a compliment?" He asked then his mouth pressed into a firm line.

"You can take it anyway you want. So head of finance, what does that job include?"

"The head of finance takes care of the money that this business makes. Actually, I'm CEO of Andrews & CO."

"So, instead of just being head of a department; you are head of all the departments?"

"Yes," he replied curtly, and then he walked out of the elevator that I hadn't noticed opened.

"Cool," I said following him. Pulling a lollipop out of my hoodie pocket I put the sucker part between my ring and middle finger with the paper tube sticking out upwards. (Like a wolverine claw with a loli) My hand was still in my pocket so it didn't look strange.

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