Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

When Tobias left Charlie made a beeline for my table. The shop slowed down considerably once the early morning hours had passed.

"So that was him?" Charlie quickly took a seat; although he looked super curious and like the cat who got the cream.

I started laughing, "Yea he thought there was something between you and I, because of your glaring."

His cheeks turned into a soft shade of pink and he smiled softly, "I never had a little sister and I wanted to play the big brother role. Besides I wanted him to know that he had to watch his back if he hurt you at all." (EYYYYYYYY Big Brother reference :DDD) He smiled brightly, which make me smile and roll my eyes.

"You're such a goofball." I chuckled while finishing off my muffin. "You make amazing muffins and coffee."

"Thank you and," he smiled brightly, "thank you."

"So what do you think about coming over for our pizza movie night on Friday? This time it's at my apartment. We rotate it between the people who have room for it. For example Zoe can't have it at her place because she doesn't have the space." I asked finishing off my drink.

"That sounds cool, just text me your address." He said with a big cheesy smile on his face.

"Okidoki," I wiped my mouth with a napkin because I was sure that I had chocolate everywhere, thanks to my delicious muffin.

"Also just letting you know, the ship has grown a lot."

I scoffed, "He most likely has a girlfriend who he is madly in love with." I paused for effect, "I'm a nobody."

Suddenly my arm was smacked and he said seriously and carefully, as to make me remember, "You listen here, he would be lucky to have you. I've only known you for a little while and I know that any guy would be lucky to have you. Are you insecure? Because you're stinking beautiful and if you can't see that you need to follow Ms. Piggy's advise."

I chuckled softly because he brought up Ms. Piggy but I quickly sobered up. "I know that I am slightly attractive, I'm not fishing for comments or super insecure; I just don't think I'm the cat's meow. If ya know what I mean." In my mind everyone had some sense of insecurities, we always thought that there was some way we could be better, but I wasn't super insecure about my looks.

"You don't need a guy, I understand that; but any guy would be extremely lucky to call you his girl. And I understand that you're not fishing for comments, I had a friend who did that and you're nothing like her."

I smiled softly at Charlie, but then that smile quickly turned mischievous, "Ok, this is getting too stuffy. When are you going to ask Zoe out?" I asked leaning on my elbow.

His cheeks blossomed into a beautiful shade of pink as he stuttered out a lame excuse. I couldn't wait for them to get together. It would be so cute.


I collapsed on my bed and snuggled into my comforter. Some days I just wanted to live in my bed. My bed was soft, offered support, offered snuggles and was warm.

I sighed and thought about the breakfast that I had with Tobias a few days ago. Was that a date? Was it just a 'thanks for helping me with my car' kinda thing? Or...

I was completely over-thinking this. He did that just to say thanks, nothing more. If he wanted something more he would have said something like, 'I'll talk to you later or something.' But all he had said when he left was, 'Again thanks for fixing my car. Have a great rest of your day.'

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