Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I now remembered why I hated hospitals. It wasn't because of bad memories, although they didn't help, and it wasn't because of the stale white everything. It was partly due with the fact that everything smelt like a mixture of sickness and anti-biotic cleaners. It was also because there was absolutely nothing to do. It was a boring cycle of nothing for hours and then a nurse would pop in and check on us. But the nurse would soon leave after making sure we were fine and then I was left in a boring cycle. We had a tv in our room but when I asked for it to be turned on, the nurse said there was a charge to watch, so I grumpily stayed in silence.

Tobias had left when the nurse came and forced him to leave because it was well past visiting hours. I made sure to tell him to tell him thanks for watching Casey and I also wanted him to tell his assistant thanks.

My roommate was ok, she was a grumpy old lady who always kept her curtain drawn, we don't talk ever.

I finally called Kian, Nat and Zoe to let them know about what was happening. Kian said that as soon as he was able to, he would come and make sure I was doing ok. Nat was very concerned and said how she would come and visit and bring some food with her. Zoe was a complete wreck and started crying. She was very upset and came almost immediately after I had called her. Because she was going to be a nurse, she had become friends with some of the nurses who she met through the program, and they now worked at the hospital, so she was allowed to visit well past visiting hours.

"So Marlin, how was Casey, I know she gets upset when you have an attack." Zoe asked.

"She was not happy, and she did what I trained her to do. But Tobias came and got me and he brought her with him and made sure she was ok." I said twisting my mother's ring on my finger.

"Marlin, you need to slow down. I know that he is out, but you can't let that take hold of everything. We all love you and care about how you are doing." Zoe said softly while brushing her hand over my arm in a motherly way.

I leaned up and hugged her tightly. I took a deep breath and looked at her. "I think I need to go back to therapy. I've read that there is some development in the treatment and helping cope with PTSD." I sighed deeply and ran my hand through my hair.

Zoe grabbed my other hand and squeezed it tightly. "We will all be there for you throughout the process."

We stayed like that for about an hour, barely talking but we knew that we were together for everything.

Time no longer crawled by, but it was a comfortable null.

After a while, there was a knock at the door and Charlie popped his head into the room. He smiled brightly at us but there was a glimmer of sadness in his eyes.

"Hey Marl, how're you?"

"I'm doing good Charlie," I said with a smile, and then I looked over at Zoe who had a blush on her cheeks. I narrowed my eyes at her and looked back at Charlie, "So what are you doing here?"

"I came to check up on you," He said with a boyish smile, "and to pick Zoe up for our date."

I sat up quickly and started pumping my fists, "Yes! Fricken finally!" I then looked at Zoe, "Why on earth didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was that important? You're in the hospital." She said with an awkward smile.

I smacked her arm and shoved her while laughing, "You! Come on, not that important?"

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