Chapter 6

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(BTW, the person in the picture is Zoe. She is played by Chloe Moretz)

Chapter 6

"Kian shut it. The gym is fine. The only thing is that cleaning sucks, but you know this. I don't mind helping. Tell Morgan, congrats about the baby. Don't forget to give her the gift I sent along with you."

"Ok, ok; I just don't want to inconvenience you. I hate the cleaning part of having a gym. Cleaning sucks." In the background I heard him saying that I said to tell Morgan, who I assume he was talking too, that I said I will be visiting less. "She says you suck. And she loved the gift."

"Kian I-Don't-Know-Your-Middle-Name Scott! I did not say I would be visiting less, I said to say congrats. Now give the phone to Morgan so I can actually talk to her." I said with a joking sass.

"Ok, ok; here ya go," Kian said while he gave the phone to Morgan.

"Hey girlie, how's city life going for you, and are you making enough money? If not I can beat the crap out of my jerk of a cousin."

In the background I heard an annoyed hey sound out.

I chuckled and said, "Life's ok, quiet but ok. I am making enough money, I am actually earning more than I need, but don't tell Kian. How's parenting life? Or soon to be parenting life? Also, I have a question; why the crap did you have your baby shower so late. You are due anytime."

"Don't judge my parenting choices. Anyway I should have invited you instead of Kian." Morgan said jokingly, and I knew she wouldn't want anyone else other than Kian around. Morgan and Kian were extremely close when they were younger and they still had that bond.

"Hey! You can't use my phone if you can't say nice things about me." Kian said in the background.

"OH! Hey, what's the baby's name? You never said."

"Umm... we haven't decided on the baby's name. We don't know the gender, we wanted it a surprise. But it's a tossup between, Chance, Megan, Poppy, Kylie and Daniel. We don't know yet so when the baby comes we will figure it out."

"Hmm, I think Marley should be one of the options. How's Kyle, is he as charming as ever?" Kyle was Morgan's husband, he... is a character. He makes some strange jokes but he is overall a good guy. He seemed like he would really take care of Morgan and the baby once they were born.

"Marley, I don't think Kyle would like it." She said obviously joking, "Kyle's good, he is freaking out over becoming a father but I think he is just anxious."

"I would be freaking out too. To suddenly have to care for a tiny individual, who you can't communicate with, that's terrifying." I shuddered.

"Thanks, Marley you just put a few layers of nerves on my already jumpy nerves." Morgan said while chuckling.

"Sorry Morgan, you're going to be a great mom."

"Ugh, I hope so. But I know if anything goes wrong I have all my family to back me up."

"Ok, ok; this is too sappy, give me my phone back." Kian said while I assume, taking the phone back.

"Kian, you're taking something from a pregnant woman; not advisable." Morgan said while venom laced in her words.

"Morgan, I'm sorry; I just need to talk to Marley." Kian tried making an excuse.

Kian was in deep crap; pregnant women had raging hormones and would go from happy to pissed in .001 seconds.

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