The Deal is Made

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I leaped at Vegeta and landed a punch on his cheek. He fell backwards but he didn't fly a few yards in the sky like Naruto. I guess fighting another saiyan will be tough.

I took a step back as Vegeta stood up, and began laughing. "I guess you aren't that weak after all. Must be because you're a saiyan."

"Shut up!" I shouted as I took a step back. Vegeta kept walking up to me.

"Why don't I show you the true strength of a saiyan!" Vegeta shouted as he wound up to punch me. I winced, and waited for the blow, but it never came. However, I felt something knock me over, but it wasn't a punch but a body.

I laid on the ground, my head pounding from hitting the ground with so much force. I opened my eyes, and saw a flash of orange shoot up from off of me. Then it hit me. "Naruto?" I said quietly. I finally got up, despite the pain in my head and turned to see Naruto standing in front of Vegeta. The two had a cold glare, locked onto one another.

"Pathetic human! That blow was intended for your saiyan friend." Vegeta scowled.

"Her name is Hoshiko!" Naruto growled.

"Well, Hoshiko and I were just discussing whether she would join my team." Vegeta said with a smug grin on his face.

"She would never join you!" Naruto shouted. Just then I noticed Nappa running up to Naruto ready to punch him. Quickly I ran to the left side of Naruto and grabbed Nappa's arm. I flung him over me, and threw him into the ground as hard as I could. Nappa's head made a huge hole and I assumed he was knocked out.

"Vegeta, I won't join your team, and I won't let you destroy this planet." I said flatly as I stood beside Naruto. "If I must, I'll die, protecting this planet."

"Well then, it looks like these are you last moments of your precious life." Vegeta said as he walked up to me and Naruto. I gritted my teeth and shoved my knee into Vegeta's stomach. When Vegeta hurled over I punched him up into the air, and followed him and then slammed him down into the ground.

The force made a small crater, and I stood up to look at Vegeta's beat up and limp body. "You shouldn't of picked a fight with me Vegeta, you may not know this but I am the princess of our planet."

Vegeta was breathing hard and struggled to stand up. "I-impossible!" Vegeta shouted as he tried getting up on his feet. "The princess died when the planet blew up!"

"Years before the planet blew up, my mother sent me to this planet." I explained. "The queen knew that the planet would eventually be destroyed, so she sent me here."

Vegeta gritted his teeth. "There is no way!" Vegeta spat as he finally stood, a bit uneasy. "I don't believe you!"

"Don't think about it too much. Now I can kill you here, or you can help me..." I said as I walked up to him. "You know how to control this urge to fight and you know when to let it take over, and I'm gonna make you teach me how!"

"Never!" Vegeta shouted, but the last few bits of the word were choked out, since I grabbed his neck and lifted him into the air.

"Teach me how, or I will kill you right here!" I shouted.

"Hoshiko, what's going on, are you ok!?" Naruto shouted as he ran up to me.

"Fine, I-I will teach you!" Vegeta shouted as he tried to pry my hands from his neck. I slowly loosened my grip and watched Vegeta fall on his knees as he stroked his neck where I choked him.

"And if you try to pull any tricks, and decide to stab me in the back, I will kill you. If you try and run away or go back to outer space or wherever the hell you came from, I will kill you. If you decide to blow up the planet-"

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