If Only

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"Isn't it lovely!" I said as I showed Naruto my chunin jacket. We went out for ramen since he seemed a bit bummed. Naruto was silent as he are his ramen. I smirked. "What's the matter, you jealous of me?"

"No I'm just mad, because I thought I deserved one of those stupid chunin jackets." He said sounding mad.

"If they're stupid why do you want one?"

"Because I wanna be a chunin!" He snapped. Naruto seemed extremely off today, and I didn't like his new personality today. I made a sour face.

"Fine then," I said as I turned to not look at him... But it was hard when I couldn't stop imagining his old cheery face in my mind.

"I'm sorry Hoshiko, I'm just upset that I didn't become a chunin."

"It's alight." I said with a grin. Just then Naruto growled in the back of his throat.

"Why the hell are you here?" Naruto snarled.

"I can't see the leaf's new chunin? I heard Hoshiko was here so I came to see her and congratulate her." Vegeta siad flatly as he sat next to Naruto. "Don't mind if I sit here?"

"Yes actually I do!" Naruto shouted in Vegeta's face.

"Well I that's too bad for you I guess." Vegeta spat as he laid his elbows on the counter and ordered his ramen. "So Hoshiko... You're a chunin?"

"Yeah, I got the jacket. I feel so special!" I said happily. "And I didn't turn into a killer saiyan!"

"Yeah I saw... I was there." Vegeta said as he didn't turn to look at me or Naruto. "I'm surprised no one was cheering for you."

"Because they all fear me... They probably thought I was going to kill Katsu." I said as I bowed my head. "So Naruto... How is your team doing?"

"Alright... I think I'm gonna go Hoshiko." Naruto said as he placed his bowl down and leaped off his stool.

"Naruto, you don't have to leave, please stay." I said not wanting him to leave. I loved spending time with him, he was just a fun person to be around.

"I honestly think I should go. I'll see ya around Hoshiko, I got go check on pervy Sage and make sure he doesn't get in trouble for peeking on girls." Naruto said not sounding like his cheery self.

"Ok, Naruto..." I said as I frowned. "Wait!" I shouted.

"What?" Naruto asked as he side turned.

I leaped of my stool and dashed up to Naruto. "You're my bestest friend, Naruto." I said as I constricted him in a hug.

"Same here." Naruto said with a smile. I let go of Naruto returned his smile. "See ya, bye."

"Bye." I said quietly and waved. I felt my heart drop and I felt like bursting into tears. I didn't like it when Naruto would say 'good bye', I wish I could just always see his bright shiny face. I just loved seeing his smile. If only he knew how much he means to me, but he would never like me the same way I like him.. I really liked Naruto.... A lot.


Hey, I think I'm gonna make a sequel to this soon, and Sasuke will be in that book. I think you will really like the ending I have planned for this book.

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