[여섯] This is the Future

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"I'm hardly the woman I was a year ago."

~Carol Peletier

The radio was blasting in Glenn's garage as he worked. The former delivery boy barely listened to the lyrics as he tirelessly crafted his new weapon. One part he did hear that caught his attention was when the female sang the words: "We are warriors. You and I. Our legacy would never die." He continued on with his work, carefully wrapping his aluminum bat with barbed wire.

Meanwhile, Carol was in her house furiously writing away at her desk. Tears fell from her face, staining the paper. She let out a shaky breath, wanting to be strong as she did this.

Rick rocked Judith back and forth in his arms; the one thing retained his sanity in this mad world. Carl was in the other room, throwing darts, but missing the target. He was getting more and more frustrated each time he missed. Michonne was with Aaron visiting the graves; they placed flowers around them so they wouldn't look barren. Michonne almost chuckled at the thought of seeing Daryl's reaction to the flowers surrounding his grave.

Abraham was manning the gate when he saw Sasha and Jesus approach Alexandria. An irritated scowl adorned both their faces.

"How'd it go?" Abraham called out. Sasha only shook her head in response, "About as good as I look. Gregory sent me back after I told him we didn't kill all the Saviors." Her voice hardened. "How we didn't kill Negan."

"Well, you can't win 'em all. Why's he here then?" He gestured to Jesus.

"I couldn't let the lady walk back by herself," He raised his eyebrows with a smug grin, causing Sasha to roll her eyes playfully.

"Abraham, can you give me a cigar?" Sasha covered the top of her forehead as she looked up at him.

"Since when did you start smoking?" He reached into his pocket, digging for one.

"Since after I met that coward of a leader Gregory," She caught it as he threw it down to her as well as with the lighter.

"Thanks," she stuck it in her mouth, walking off with Jesus towards Rick's house.

"Sasha, we'll get him. That asshole's days are numbered." Abraham reassured her. Sasha nodded her head firmly as she lit the cigar.

At Rick's house, Sasha and Jesus told him how they were unable to form another alliance with the Hilltop colony.

"He thinks we'll get everyone killed," Sasha said. "He wants to claim plausible deniability if the Saviors somehow find out we did work with them to take out Negan."

"That's understandable," Rick put his hands on his sides. "I don't know what other cards there are to play now. Gregory was our final hope."

"No, he's not," Jesus spoke up. "Gregory... Gregory can barely lead Hilltop! I don't even know how he was chosen to be the leader!"

"What are you tryin' to say, Jesus?" Rick asked.

"I'm trying to say Hilltop needs a new leader," He looked over brightly at Sasha.

"Me?" Sasha was surprised.

"Yes, you," Jesus affirmed. "I had been thinking about how Hilltop needed a change in leadership since you all visited. I was thinking Maggie could have done it..." He paused. "But when I watched you try to negotiate with Gregory, I knew."

Sasha laughed at this absurd thought. "I don't know, Jesus. I like Alexandria. A lot. I don't want to leave it. Especially right now."

"Sasha, you want to see the end of Negan so badly. You told me about how you felt as we walked back. This is how we do it," Jesus stated.

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