[일곱] Tortured Heart

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"Who are those people to you?"


The moon was shining bright overhead the Virginian sky. The crisp air blew gently; winter was rapidly approaching. No one was awake. Everyone wanted to sleep away the pain that was today.

Everyone except for Glenn and Enid.

Glenn stared at the young girl incredulously, startling at her words. He knew what she meant even though she didn't say it outright; he wasn't going to act like she was stupid.

"No," he responded sternly. "What I'm doing... what I plan to do, is for me only."

"Is it because you see me as a kid?" Her face contorted annoyed with this fact.

"It's because you are a kid. And there's nothing wrong with that. This world has already taken so much from you, Enid," he said gently.

"You're right. It took away Maggie. I looked up to her. We grew close; we had this bond like we were sisters," She proclaimed severely.

Glenn felt his vision blur with newly formed tears. He hadn't known Maggie and Enid had been so close. Of course, in reality, they hadn't been. Enid was a disturbed girl; most of the time she seemed stony and incapable of emotion. She didn't love Ron the way he loved her. She didn't love Carl the way he loved her. But she loved Maggie and Glenn. Since she had first spoken to them, she had hoped they would become a family together. Everything about them seemed so perfect and loving and warm and


That was an emotion Enid hadn't experienced in a long time.

Now that Maggie was dead, Glenn was the only chance she had of recovering that happiness. Once Negan was killed, she could finally be apart of a family again.

"I want to help you avenge her, Glenn."

"You have a future ahead of you, Enid. With Carl. If you somehow get hurt or killed-" Glenn was interrupted by the teenager.

"That's every day of my life!" The teenager interrupted. "Of our lives. And what about your future? Negan robbed that from you, but we can reclaim it. Together."

Glenn was still unsure about this. Yes, he needed everyone's support to accomplish his vengeance, but he couldn't think of dragging along a 16-year-old into the mix. It seemed... wrong.

"We'll talk about this later." He paused. "I'm getting hungry from all of this work. You want something to eat?"

"Sure," Enid followed him into his house.

They went into the kitchen where Glenn was rummaging through his pantry.

"How do some cookies sound?"

"That's fine," Enid responded, sitting down on a chair. He plopped the box on the table between them and was about to sit down when Enid asked: "Hey, Glenn. Could I... have some hot cocoa?" She seemed a little embarrassed by this question.

"Uh, yeah. That actually sounds really good," His old persona reappeared for a brief moment; not the hardened one.

Enid stared at him sheepishly as he prepared it for them. She was waiting for him to make some jokes like he used to, but he was silent. She really missed that about him and cursed Negan for yet again taking away his optimism and cheerfulness.

He set two glasses down for them. They ate their cookies and drank their cocoa without glancing at each other; Enid too shy and Glenn too ponderous.

"I cut her hair before she left," Enid muttered.

Glenn looked up at her with surprise. "Oh. You did a good job, Enid."

"Thanks. She, uh, she came to me and said she didn't want anything getting in her way. That's why she had me cut it," she stared sadly at the cookies in front of her.

Glenn rubbed his bruised and weary hands over his eyes. "When I first met her, she had short hair. Then it grew out to be long and beautiful." The tears were starting to flow again. "She would have been such a good mom," he could barely get the last sentence out of his mouth.

Enid scurried out of her chair and wrapped her arms around Glenn. "Yes, and you would have been an amazing father."

They remained like that for a while; Glenn weeping and Enid comforting him.

Once he finished, he put the mugs in the sink and the cookies away in the pantry.

"Did you ever make a nursery?" Enid asked carefully, not wanting to upset him again.

"No, we were planning to..." He trailed off. "I forgot to close the garage," he suddenly remembered. "I'll be back," He wanted to temporarily get away from Enid, thinking she would ask more depressing questions.

Enid started to look around the house, eventually heading upstairs to the bedroom. She wanted to see if Maggie's clothes were still there. She didn't think Glenn would have gotten rid of them, but she wanted to be sure.

She opened the closet and saw that her clothes remained intact. Enid had always thought Maggie had such good style. She stared at them in longing and sadness, knowing they would never be worn again. She shut the closet door and went over to the bed. On the counter next to the bed, there was a pocket watch. She lifted it up, noticing the hands had stopped.

"Enid?" Glenn asked from the doorframe.

She quickly turned around, feeling slightly ashamed for being caught like this. "I'm sorry, I should go. Goodnight," she rushed over to exit, but Glenn caught her arm.

Heat gathered across Enid's cheeks as she looked up at him.

"I want you to help me."


"It's not my place to deny you this if Maggie thought of you as her family."

Enid smiled up at him. At last, Glenn saw what she saw; their future together. This was just the first step, but it would all fall into place.

"You should go home now. It's late," Glenn let go of her.

"Alright. By the way, the watch isn't working."

"I know," He responded tiredly as they walked towards the front door. Enid decided to drop the subject.

Before she headed into the autumn night, she turned and asked him, "Why two bats? You can't kill him with just one?"

"That night, he took away the two most important people from me," Glenn seethed. "He will experience two types of pain when I kill him."

"That's hardcore. I like it though," Enid smirked. "How are you going to carry them around though?"

Glenn thought about this for a moment. "I'm going to need a bag or backpack-Think you can help me?"

Enid couldn't have been more delighted to. As she ran off to her house, she couldn't stop thinking about her new life; her new purpose. Just a few months earlier, she had treated Glenn like a pest. Pulled a gun on him even. But now, they had developed a close relationship. No, she did not have a future with Carl. She could never love him the way he loved her. She had a future with Glenn. And come hell or high water, she would be with him.


Hey, readers! I would like to know what you all think of my story! So if you could please message me or comment, that would be great!

Thank you!

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