[서른일곱] The Final Hour

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"It always starts with one person."

~ Father Gabriel Stokes

Glenn could barely stomach the sight that laid in front of his sickened and widened eyes. 

His friends-

His family-

Strapped to operating tables, being pricked and prodded on.  

Sasha being injected and drained of her blood.

Michonne being mutilated and dissected.

Dwight being marked and sliced.

The others, like Sherry, Abraham, Rick, Carl, and Rosita, were hidden from view, and the mere thought of what might have happened to them angered Glenn even more. 

"I didn't want to believe it..." Glenn started quietly. "I thought- I wanted to believe not even you would cross this line."

"They-They killed our people, Glenn! I didn't want to do this either. I said that many times before, but they kept attacking! They hurt you! They destroyed our garden! They-" Maiya defended loudly, causing the medics to suddenly turn and stop their grisly work.

Glenn let out a maniacal laugh at his sister's justification, interrupting her. "What was that you told me? Awhile back? I'm sorry about what I did to your friend. Trust me, if I would have known, I wouldn't have!"  He spat, walking over gradually to the stations to examine his friends.

"Or was it that you have become selfish?!"  Glenn pulled back Dillon roughly from Dwight. "I call bullshit like you did when I first walked into this damned lab! How did you think I'd react?! Is that why you sent me away?! Because you knew!!"

"I-I sent you because Oceanside was coming- They had made a deal with me-  And I didn't know how they'd react if they saw you!" Maiya struggled to say as she approached her brother desperately. "But yes! I knew you would try and stop us from-"

"From torturing my friends?!" Glenn went to the next station and shoved Cora. "For someone who enjoys killing, you can't even look at what you're part of!" He turned back to sister and grabbed her hand, tugging her to the patients.

"LOOK HERE! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE A PART OF!" Glenn screamed, pointing at his weakened friends. 

"NO!" Maiya gasped, turning her head away. "You-You said it thrilled you too... You even helped us. Why draw the line there?" She cried, breaking out of her brother's grasp. "Why draw the line with people who mistreated you?!"

"Don't you dare- Don't you try to even turn this on me! I know what I've done unlike you!! I know what kind of person I am! And I don't try to give some bullshit justification!!" Glenn turned away, hiding the hot tears in his eyes.

That was when he saw Michonne fully, and what had been done to her.

"What... happened.. to her... arm.." Glenn seethed as he stared at the woman. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT?!" He grabbed Dante by the wrist, pulling him forward with a surprising amount of force. 

"I-I amputated it," Dante gulped, raising his hand up in defense. "It-It's-" He used his free hand to point to the counter where her severed arm lay; already peeled of its skin. 

"You sick bastard..." Glenn hissed as he immediately let go of Dante, walking over to the counter. "Is this a trophy for you?!"

"Of course not. It's a model to show how the nervous system works." Dante brushed himself off of the scuffle confidently. "I think we should have all the body systems on display for reference." 

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