[열일곱] This Day and Never Again Part 2

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A/N: I noticed my longest chapter (which had the climax) was getting skipped in favor of the chapters afterward. So I decided to split up the chapter because of the length and because it is too important to skip.

Negan had been surprised to find the armory locked with several Saviors trying to break the door down. He figured that they would take too long to do this and went up to his chambers to get the key, hence why he had spotted Glenn and Jesus.

He would not lose this dammit! He would prevail as he always did!

He charged down the stairs, nearing the armory until an arrow struck the wall beside him. Dwight slowly came out of the corner, his wrath evident on his face.

"You're not going any further, Negan," the crossbow was mere inches from Negan's face.

"Looks like your aim isn't getting any better," Negan chuckled, causing Dwight to strike him with the bow.

"Shut up for once and start walking towards your room," Dwight poked him in the back with the arrow.

"Spare me the trouble of having to walk up twenty levels of stairs and just shoot me," Negan sighed.

"Oh, I want to, but you and I need to talk first."

"Screw that! I'd rather be shot than face your dramatic monologue," Negan groaned while Dwight rolled his eyes at the irony.


Sherry could hardly contain her joy when she heard from Glenn that Dwight was alive. She felt as if their dream for a new life was becoming closer to reality. She blinked back tears as Glenn told her and Gabriel what had happened.

Her happiness quickly turned into apprehension once Glenn told her where Dwight was at the very moment they spoke.

"Don't concern yourself with me! Dwight's the one who is alone with that...that sadist!" Sherry exclaimed, trying to get Glenn out of the room.

"He wanted me to come see if you were safe!" Glenn felt as if he had done something wrong to upset Sherry like this.

"I am! He's the one who isn't!" Sherry finally managed to get Glenn out of the armory just as more people arrived. Glenn wanted to stay and chat, but he had to go to Dwight.

Sherry instantly recognized Carl from before and let him and his group pass through.

"Oh, how I've missed this," Abraham lifted an RPG from a rack hidden away at the back of the room. Everyone stared with their eyes widened at the weapon; all wondering what type of damage it was capable of.

"And I'm sure The Saviors have missed it too," Abraham winked wickedly, recalling the last time it blew them to bits.

"We'll test it out later. Right now let's gather as many guns as we can and take them to the frontlines," Carl stated, taking up the leadership role. Tara, Eugene, Gabriel, and Aaron started gathering the guns into their arms and went outside to store them into the truck.

Sherry leaned onto the wall; her mind filled with images of Dwight's broken and smashed body lying on the floor.

"Is something wrong?" Abraham moved in closer to her, but her back was turned towards him.

"Dwight... He's with Negan... and so is Glenn..." She trailed off. Carl and Abraham looked at each other anxiously.

"Tell me where they're at," Carl demanded, invading the woman's space.

"Nope," Abraham pulled the teen back. "You are not going anywhere."

"Abe, I-" Carl started to say, but Abraham didn't let him finish.

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