[서른여섯] Bloodlines

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"After I save the world, I still have to live with myself. I'm not leaving them behind." 

~ Eugene Porter

What were ashes and what were snow flurries floating through the air, Abraham could not tell. Both particles landed on him, finding their way into his orange hair and sticking to his clothes. He paid no mind to either of them, walking instead among the ruins of The Sanctuary. 

No one was in sight, not even any bodies.

It was only himself.

So he kept walking, his boots trampling loudly over the ice as he tried figuring out why he was here. What purpose did he have here? Hadn't he completed his mission at The Sanctuary months ago?

These were the questions that crossed Abraham's mind as he put more and more distance between the factory and himself. It was then when the factory became part of the background that he became aware of someone watching him.

"Who's there?" Abraham demanded; his breath taking form in the cold air.

Footsteps from behind caused him to spin around quickly, glaring at the person who suddenly emerged.

But his gaze instantly softened once he saw who it was that was approaching him.

"Eugene?" Abraham choked. "But you're d-"

"Deceased? I know." A perfectly normal-looking Eugene interrupted. Not at all resembling what Abraham had last seen of him. 

"So I'm dead too?" Abraham took a few steps closer to the man, trying to see if he was indeed really here.

"Abraham, I may have been one of the most intelligent men alive but not even I can answer that for certain. Yet if that's the case, then the others must be deceased as well," Eugene answered.

"Bullshit! I don't believe that!" Abraham shouted, getting in Eugene's personal space. However, Eugene seemed completely unfazed by this.

"What evidence do you have that they are still alive? Your conscience?" Eugene retorted, angering Abraham further. 

"Shut up!" He grabbed Eugene by the collar, lifting him up off the ground. "You don't know shit, Eugene! You never have!"

"Well, I must disagree. You're the one who doesn't know shit. Seeing how you got everyone captured because of your wounded ego. Because of your selfish pride," Eugene rasped. 

"Wha-What in the hell are you goin' on about?!" Abraham shook the smaller man furiously. "Enough of these nonsense riddles and get to the point!"

"The point is," Eugene untangled himself from Abraham's grasp, falling to the ground roughly. "If they are dead, it will be because of you."

Abraham's fist collided with Eugene's cheek, knocking him down to the snow. Eugene merely got back up and dusted himself of the snow as if nothing had happened.

But Abraham stood shaking with rage; tears collecting in his despaired eyes.

"Don't lie to me, Eugene. Not again," Abraham warned. 

"You are the only one lying here, Abraham. You've been lying to yourself since the moment you decided to tamper with the explosives," Eugene explained. 

"I did that to make sure these brats wouldn't get what they wanted! I didn't know exactly what their little display was for, but I sure as hell knew it wasn't for altruistic reasons!" Abraham spat. "Like they claim their actions are for! It's all bullshit."

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