[서른넷] Something To Fight For

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"I know it sucks and it's scary, but it's time to be brave."

~Tara Chambler

"They're still not back yet..." Aaron watched the sky darken ominously from atop the wall, tensing up as he heard the distant thunder.

"Should we be worried?" Tara asked beside him, eating a candy bar. 

"I'm not sure..." He trailed off as a sense of unease came over him. "They should have been back hours ago."

"Maybe things just took longer. Maybe they're on their way back," Tara replied, trying to remain optimistic. 

"I hope so," Aaron sighed, shifting on his feet. Meanwhile, Tara took the binoculars off from around her neck and brought them to her eyes.

"See anything?" Aaron glanced at the woman, but she shook her head.


"I don't trust those people. I never have," Aaron suddenly stated.

"Well, that was random, but yeah. I agree." Tara finished eating her candy and crumpled the wrapped into her fist. "The way they run things reminds me of another place we encountered. Terminus."

"Back in Georgia?"

"Yeah. They had this radio system and everything. Signs advertising safety along the train tracks, leading us to a sanctuary. But what was at the end of those tracks was something far from that."

"What was there?" Aaron stared at her with anticipation.

"These people- They were cannibals." A haunted look came across Tara's eyes as she remembered a ghost of an ancient past.

"Oh my God... " Aaron's jaw dropped at this statement.

"I get that they're different, but that's what makes them scarier. Those cannibals- They knew what they were doing was wrong. But these kids, I'm not even sure they know. It's like they really believe they're doing something to help humanity."

Aaron remained silent for a moment, thinking over her words deeply. "I think that's exactly what makes them dangerous. Like Negan-," He practically spat out the name. "They both believe their actions are for the greater good."

A clap of thunder made them both startle, and grow even more anxious. 

"I-I think something went wrong," Aaron stammered. "I don't know if it's a sixth sense or what, but something doesn't feel right. It's like a knot in my stomach, and I just know something went wrong!"

Before Tara could respond, Eric and Gabriel called out to them from below.

"Any sign of them?" Eric tilted his head back, looking up at his partner.

"No," Aaron murmured; his shoulders falling back in disappointment.

"It's going to start raining soon. The roads are going to be unsafe," Eric frowned. 

"I know..." Aaron looked absolutely miserable. 

"Do you think something happened?" Gabriel wondered. 

"That's what we were just discussing. We're both getting bad vibes and these clouds aren't helping with that feeling," Tara answered, placing the binoculars back over her eyes.

"The radio," Aaron blurted out. "We can radio in The Kingdom and Hilltop and see if any of them made it back."

Before any of the others could agree or object to this idea, Aaron had already started climbing back down from the wall. He did not plan on waiting for anyone, not even Eric. He needed to know- He needed to confirm that his friends were in danger so he could start acting.

Something To Fear | Glenn RheeWhere stories live. Discover now