[열둘] We Will Rise

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"They're screwing with the wrong people."

~Rick Grimes

"Is it a sin to hate someone?" A male voice asked Gabriel, who was manning the gate.

"No, not necessarily," Gabriel didn't bother to look at who asked this, knowing it was Spencer. "Thoughts are just thoughts. It's our actions that matter."

"I hate Rick," Spencer growled. "He shouldn't be in charge. My mother- she was in Congress- she inspired people. She brought out the good in people," He approached Gabriel, wiping snow off his jacket.

"Rick brought out the good in me," Gabriel turned towards the vexed man.

"By bullying you?" Spencer scoffed.

"By inspiring me," Gabriel chuckled. "He didn't just keep people alive. He brought us all together. He's not perfect, but he's a man who finds his way."

"Not everyone. My mother, my father, my brother. When he got here, they died," Spencer looked at the priest angrily.

"Or maybe other people didn't die because he got here," Gabriel responded.

"Or maybe we shouldn't have attacked that outpost!" Spencer raised his voice, trying to prove his point. "Maybe Maggie-"

"No, we can't think like that. We're here now. We have to look towards the future," Gabriel interrupted, tired of Spencer's talk.

"What future? There's no future with him in charge," Spencer shook his head. "Maggie and Daryl should have come back," His voice dropped low as he said this. "Not Rick. That would have been the best thing for all of us."

Gabriel's face contorted into a grimace. "What you're saying doesn't make you a sinner. But it does make you a tremendous shit."

Spencer looked at Gabriel in disbelief, who was wearing a smirk with pride.

"Open the gate," Spencer demanded.

"No. You cannot leave without clearance from Rick."

"I don't give a shit about what Rick says. Open the gate." But Gabriel refused to.

"I have to go scavenge for supplies and food. Am I the only one who understands that this is what Rick has doomed us to? No one is taking this seriously." Spencer was practically in Gabriel's face. "Now open it or I'll do it myself."

"Go ahead then. I won't stop you. But I will not allow you to take a car," Gabriel said, frustrating Spencer even more. Spencer roughly opened it, leaving the city without another word.

Gabriel shut the gate, sighing at Spencer's foolishness. He remembered when he used to be that way, when he was blinded by his pride and stupidity. But then God revealed to him what type of man Rick was and his common sense prevailed.

Eugene approached the priest, saying, "We all need to go to the church. Rick is having a meeting." Gabriel nodded, unsure if he should mention what Spencer had done. The men walked over to the church together, being the last ones to arrive.

Glenn was seated in the front row, watching Rick wearily. Rick was trying to gather his thoughts for what he was about to say to his people. Abraham was seated next to Glenn, his mind preoccupied with Sasha.

"Alright," Rick spoke up, silencing everyone with his gruff voice. "Several things have come up in the past days. Glenn has already told you about Sasha and Hilltop. I was able to secure an alliance with The Kingdom. Their leader has given us some guns, so we're not completely defenseless. We have a total of seven guns, counting the ones Glenn and Rosita brought back from Oceanside."

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