[서른셋] Something to Fear

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"Everything gets a return."

~Morgan Jones

In the days that passed after the tragedy at the reservoir, Maiya and her members wasted no time in mourning. Even though it had been a setback for them, they all came to an understanding that not all hope was lost. It just required some time and planning.

In fact, they turned their grief into work productivity. Their goals became even bigger than a cure; they extended to manufacturing and starting up a nuclear power plant.

Of course, the latter plans were just ideas on paper at this point. They had not even accomplished their first goal. But once they did, they would work non-stop to make these ideas a reality. Maiya would make sure of that. Her faith in her people was unwavering.

So while the medics continued the task their leader had given them, Maiya moved onto the next project: finding a manufacturing factory.

Yet at the same time, she did not forget about her deal with Alexandria and The Kingdom. She was relieved that they had not appeared at their gates demanding what they had been promised. This gave her time to think and prepare for their eventual meeting.

However, she knew this was a better time than ever to receive help. She sent her brother on behalf of The Castle to set up a date with Alexandria. He was probably the person they trusted the most, and even then that bar was set low.

She knew how dire the situation in The Kingdom was turning so their meeting would have to be soon. But The Castle's situation was turning dire as well. Their disaster had cost them dearly since they no longer had any chemists.

But unlike her brother, Maiya would not allow herself to be cornered and hopeless. She had enough of that in the old world as did her people. If they wanted to rebuild it, they would have to be one step ahead of whatever the world threw at them.


It was strange for Glenn to be back at the very walls he had escaped from. But as he entered through them, he felt a sense of nostalgia.

Especially since he remembered all his and Maggie's possessions remained here.

He took a deep breath in at this memory, not wanting to cry right now. The pain never got easier, not even over time.

"Hey, Glenn," Rick greeted from beside the gate.

"Hey," Glenn responded dully.

"What's that bag for?"

"Oh, it's for Jeffrey. Maiya sent it, saying that he forgot some of his stuff," Glenn handed it over.

"Tell her thank you. I'll be sure to give it to him," Rick rummaged through the contents. Inside, was a journal, some pictures, and some other knick-knacks.

"So.. how is everything over there?" Rick coughed.

"You know, pretty much the same. They're still working. That's all they ever do. But they don't talk much anymore," Glenn shrugged.

"What happened... I would have never wished that for anyone. Even them."

Glenn stayed quiet at this, not sure how to take this comment.

"Is your sister okay?"

"Yeah, that's kinda why I'm here. She wants to set up another trade. They're really hurting over there. Some of the gardens were destroyed and they don't have any animals. They don't have any chemists now either. She wants you to send some animals and show them how to care for them. She also needs help repairing the garden. Then, she'll give you your weapons and Ezekiel medicine for his livestock," Glenn explained.

Something To Fear | Glenn RheeWhere stories live. Discover now