[서른하나] Torn Worlds

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A/N: The beginning of this chapter will have a montage of scenes

"I used to feel sorry for kids that have to grow up now. In this. But I think I got it wrong. Growing up is getting used to the world. This is easier for them."

~Rick Grimes

"Hi, my name's Glenn," Glenn greeted himself in the overhead mirror.

"No, that's too upfront. Hello, I see you need help. No, just no. I sound creepy. How about-"


"My name's Glenn. I'm a friend. I'm from a community in D.C. A community that's a research facility dedicated to finding the cure for all this," Glenn smiled warmly to the various people he would encounter. "We have been able to take back half of the city."

The exhausted and filthy people would always brighten at this notion, which Glenn happily took note of. 

"I'm a recruiter. We need more people to come join us. Would you be willing to?"


"Everything south of us is off limits. However, these areas," Maiya circled areas north and west of their location on a map. "We can scout."

"These would be the best places for any survivors anyway." Glenn took the map from her, studying it.

"Exactly. There are more resources in these parts than where Alexandria is." Maiya paused, looking at her brother.

"You look a lot healthier. And I like the new hairstyle," Maiya complimented. 

"Thanks," Glenn absentmindedly brushed his hand through his slicked back hair.


"Whoa, this is amazing," The couple said as they entered the castle, relieved they had finally found a safe haven. 

"I'm sure you must be starving," Glenn started leading the way. "We only have fruits and vegetables here, but beggars can't be choosers right?" He chuckled.

"Oh, that's fine," the couple laughed along with him, ignoring any sense of danger for food. 

Everyone who entered the castle usually did. 


"C'mon, Jeff, you can do it," Rick assured as he supported his brother upright. 

Jeffrey gave a groan as he took heavy steps across the room

"Just focus on Judith," Carl held up his baby sister, who clapped her tiny hands. 

He continued trudging forward, gritting his teeth in intense pain.

Finally, his legs gave out and he collapsed. But before he could hit the ground, Rick caught him.

"Good. You're making progress," Rick helped him back onto his wheelchair. Judith gave a squeal of happiness that even Carl couldn't help but smile at.

"I think she agrees," Jeffrey laughed as he rolled over to her.


As the couple was drugged and carted off into the lab, Glenn quickly turned away and put in some earplugs when the lab door was briefly opened.

He didn't even want to see a glimpse of what was happening in there nor did he want to hear the sounds being emitted. 

"Subjects 10 and 11 have entered the lab and will be stored for future analysis," Dante spoke into the recorder. 

While the couple was placed into the mortuary containers, the medics were subjecting other patients to electrocution and even dismemberment. 

Though they had some form of anesthesia, these agents were not strong enough to numb out all the pain or consciousness.

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