[열여섯] This Day and Never Again Part 1

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"Bet ya thought you were all going to grow old together, sitting around the table at Sunday dinner in the happily ever after. No... doesn't work like that Rick. Not anymore."


An arm was flung across the yard, landing beside a frightened Negan.

"What the hell is going on?!?!" He shouted, running up towards the chaos in the front.

As in response, Shiva narrowed her eyes at the man and let out a fearsome roar before attacking again. Negan leapt out of the tiger's way, barely avoiding her claws. A Savior next to Negan raised his gun at the tiger, but was too slow before she bit into his throat.

"Get the hell outta here!!" He shouted to the men nearby although they were way ahead of him. However, they did not get very far before they were shot down. Negan looked back to see where the gunfire was coming from and saw a smiling Rosita across the yard, waving at him.

More Saviors arrived with guns, trying to shoot the ferocious beast. But King Ezekiel and Michonne quickly intervened, jumping out of the truck and taking out the Saviors with their non-firearms weapons.

Negan stared in disbelief at this sight in front of him. He gripped Lucille tightly, realizing he was not carrying a gun with him. He glared angrily at Rick, who was firing at the Saviors intensely.
Sensing that Negan was about to act on his impulses, Shiva hissed at him and eyed him dangerously.

Noticing that no one stood between him and the tiger, he ran as fast as he could.


At the first sound of gunfire, Sherry dropped what she was doing and ran to the armory. The previous days had been tense for her, knowing an attack was imminent.

She arrived and found the armory to be locked. She cried out in defeat, feeling foolish for not have been proactive about this.

Suddenly, a tall, brute Savior came up to her with something in his hand.

"Do you have the key?" She asked eagerly. He took one look at her before grunting in response, unlocking the armory doors.

"I know I look like I can't fight," She stated, rushing inside. The Savior ignored her, trying to find the ideal gun to use.

"Which is precisely the angle I'm going for," She finished her sentence as she ambushed the man by surprise, shooting him in the head.

She dropped her gun and struggled to barricade herself inside. She was not strong enough to move things in time and abandoned her original plan. She went outside with the key, locking the door from the outside.

It wasn't long before shouts were heard from the other side of the door. The sounds of bangs and crashes meant people were trying to bust the door down.

The armory wasn't a vault; the door would not hold forever. Sherry sighed, sinking down to the cold, hard floor. Her mind wandered to how long she would be in here before help came in the form of Dwight or Glenn.

That was if help came at all.


The walkers that were placed along the perimeters were taken down by either Rick, Rosita, or Morgan. Rick did not want to give The Saviors any weapons to spare, even if they were decayed and nearly immobile.

It seemed as if the Saviors were struggling for weapons. They did not have as many guns as Rick would have thought; they mostly had crowbars or blades.

"Rick!" Rosita shouted amid the gunfire, noticing this as well. "Did we take the armory?"

"I don't know!" He answered. "Cover me!" He went back towards the vehicles where Carl was.

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