[This story will contain spoilers relating to Season 1 and 2 of the CW Flash]
(In an alternate universe where Chris Rapids is Kid Flash)
Chris Rapids was pumped to go to Dr. Harrison Wells' particle accel...
Hey everyone. I know I didn't update last Sunday, but I had a tournament Saturday, and spent almost all of Sunday sleeping. Sorry! Anyways, the tournament went really well, I placed fourth in sparring and sprained my foot. (That part wasn't so well, but the rest was great!) Yeah. Let's move on with the story. (You can see the before and during photos above.)
Also, artsy trophy photo!
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"I knew it! I knew it!" Cisco says, fist pumping the air. "I called it!" He dances around the Cortex for a bit, before standing still once again.
Barry walked out of the hallway, dressed in a similar unitard to what I wore, except red.
"This feels a bit, what's the word?" He says.
"Revealing?" I offer up.
"Yeah. Definently that."
After a quick explanation from Dr. Wells on what they'd be doing, all of us piled into the S.T.A.R. Labs van, and drove to the Ferris Air strip.
As I help Cisco set everything up, I see Caitlyn and Barry talking. He says something to her, and her face turns to stone. She says something back to him, and he stops smiling. I turn to Cisco.
"Caitlyn doesn't smile much, was she always like that?" I ask him.
Cisco stops what he's doing. "She's grieving. We all are."
"There's more to what happened that night than what you two told me when I woke up, isn't there?"
He nods. Not wanting to bring about any feelings, I don't mention anything else and start to get back to work.
"His name was Ronnie."
"Ronnie. He was Caitlin's fiance. He was killed in the explosion. I could have saved him. He went to turn it off, before it could do any damage. If he wasn't back in thirty seconds, I had to close the door. He didn't make it back. I closed the door. I killed him. Because of me-"
"Ronald Raymond was a hero. And you are too Mr. Ramon. Don't forget it. If you had waited for Ronnie more than the thirty seconds, we'd all be dead." Wells interjects.