Chapter 1: The change

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I remember so clearly playing with mom and dad. I would watch my baby sister giggle and chew on anything you let her put near her mouth. I remember how it felt to feel loved, safe, and accepted. However, that was the past. The past that remains in the back of my mind. Back then, I could actually feel. I felt what it was like to have no worries or care in the world.

I remember the day the world passed me a plate of worries like it was yesterday. I was 10 years old, just starting the 5th grade. Some stupid virus was going around, one that I was lucky enough to get.

It was such a pain that I was sick because I adored school. Funny right? If only little me knew what school had to offer in the long run.

Although, I was sick and down about it my whole body perked up when I saw my beautiful mother walk through the nurses doors.

She had long blonde hair and the most beautiful kind eyes. I was always safe and loved in her presence and she made sure nothing got in the way of that. Apparently, I have her personality. Dad manages to remind me about it with so much distaste in his voice every time he gets the chance.

" My little Katherine isn't feeling well is she?"Mom asked while approaching me at the nurses bed that I currently sat up from.

"No, but mommy. I think I'm fine to go back to class now. Mean nurse lady says I'm contagious, whatever that means." Mom laughs when I so bluntly talk about the nurse in her presence.

" Well Katherine, this nurse lady isn't mean at all she's right and she's looking out for you as well as other kids that can get sick because of you. I doubt you want other kids to miss out just because you spread your little germs EVERYWHERE!!" She tickled my tummy as she explained this to me. I laughed a little too hard because it felt like I was going to vomit for the third time that day.

"Ok mommy, I'll leave. Sorry, mean nurse lady... I mean nice nurse lady." Mom took my hand, signed me out and we walked to the car. "MOMMY MOMMY PLEASE LET ME SIT IN THE BIG GIRLS SEAT IN THE FRONT WITH YOU!! " I yelled to my mom begging.

"No, Katherine it's not safe up here. Besides the most important people sit in the back like princesses." Mom and dad always told Abby and I we were princesses. I would always feel really special when she said that so sitting in the back was no longer an argument.

Mom buckled me up before she did so herself. Then she pulled off.

"Mommy why are you so quite?" I asked her while she was driving "Are you mad at me?"

"No beautiful I could never be mad at you, it's just raining so hard and I have to concentrate on delivering the royal princess back to her castle." This made me giggle.

I didn't comprehend just how bad the storm actually was that day.

She looked at me for a second through the mirror. The look that she gives when I know she's telling me that she loves me. As if she doesn't say it enough.

She always tells Abby and I she loves us. Dad does too and at that time I had no doubt in my mind that he'd ever stop. While I was sitting in the car watching moms focused expressions, I suddenly felt the car go out of control. The car started spinning and I closed my eyes tightly and waited for what was to come. After feeling the car stop I opened my eyes.

" KAT ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT? " My mom asked with a panicked voice checking on my.

"MOMMY I'M FINE" I assured her.

"Okay I can't get the car to start we need to get out, And get he.........." She stopped talking and her attention turned to the front windshield. Our eyes widened when we heard the loud train coming ahead of us at full speed.

We had landed on the train tracks on the side of the road after the car gained control.

"MOMMY, MOMMY THE TRAIN!!" She started unbuckling her seat belt but it got jammed. She kept yanking at it but to no avail.

"Kat, I can't get out but you can." She talked with a shaky urgent voice. Tears were in her eyes and everything was happening so fast.

"No mommy, no I won't leave you!!" The train obviously didn't see us probably because of the rain, not that it could have stopped in that short of time anyways.

Next thing I remember, was my mom telling me that I might be fine and that she's gonna take most and the impact. She sounded like she was trying so hard to convince herself of this.

"Kat, whatever happens take care of Abby promise me?" I didn't respond feeling terrified. The train was only seconds away and I was breathing heavily watching it approach.

"KAT, look at me." I looked

"I love you and Abby so much. Make sure she knows when she grows older that she had a mother that loved you both. I love you more than words can explain take care of her." Tears started falling from her now dull green eyes.

"Mo....... " I woke up in a hospital bed with my dad and sister at my side.

At that moment, I was told I lost an important part of me. I wasn't the only one who lost something great. Dad lost her too and a day didn't go by without him reminding me. I knew that Abby wouldn't remember her and it was up to me to make sure she did.

Dad hated me because he couldn't understand how I got to live through something mom died from. He claimed it was my fault because she came and picked me up from school. The truth is, I grew up believing him.

The next year, he remarried. It confused me that he would move on from mom and act like she was never here.

Dad, continued loving Abby probably because she looked just like mom and of course had nothing to do with her death. Abby was a spitting image of her.

Our step mom Clarissa even loved Abby much like dad. Another year down the road Abby was diagnosed with leukemia and once again things worsened.

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