Chapter 11: You take it away

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I woke up the next morning barely being able to move from the pain. Easing my way out of bed I slowly walk to the bathroom. When I enter I immediately see myself in the mirror.

My eyes are puffy from crying all last night. I'm embarrassed for keeping Seth up. It's like he had to attend to a crying baby all night. I shook my thoughts out and brushed my hair and teeth. After wiping my face I headed outside of the room and began my painful voyage down stairs.

I hurry around the corner not knowing if Seth had left or not. Rounding the corner I bump into something hard losing my footing. I close my eyes on instinct waiting to hit the ground.

I feel arms wrap around me pulling me up. Feeling it was safe to look I open my eyes to see blue ones. He had on a frown but not in a mad way.

"Looks like someone is in a rush." His voice came out in a deeper raspier voice then usual.

Looking as though he just woke up in the best way possible. I back away out of his grasp knowing I won't be able to talk to him at this close proximity.

"I was actually looking for you
...... I didn't know what time you were leaving." I paused not knowing how to go by asking him if I could come in today. I don't care about the pain I need to see Abby.

Brandon told him that I need rest for the next week. So I don't know how Seth feels about me going.

"I leave here at about 8:30, did you need something? Are you in pain?" He looked at me waiting for my answer.

"Umm... I was wondering if I could come in to volunteer today?"he frowned a little.

"Are you serious? No, you're in no condition to do any volunteer work you need be rest especially after last night."

"I know but Abby has her appointment today and if I don't see her I won't see her for the rest of the week and who knows when I'll see her at all especially when my dad finds out I'm not at the apartment for her to get dropped off anymore." My voice came out like I was begging which I didn't mind if it meant he would agree with me going.

I heard a long sigh come from him as he ran his hand through his blonde messy hair.

"" He begins to shake his head.

"Seth, please." I walk a little closer to him.

"Fine but you'll be in my office the entire day, got it?" He sounds like he really didn't agree with his words. All in all I was still happy.

"GOT IT!!, I'll go get ready." I turned around and went back in the room.

I threw on a black shirt, black jeans and my brown ankle boots Llaya got me for Christmas one year and the sweater I had on this morning.

I decided to keep my hair in the bun considering it didn't look bad

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I decided to keep my hair in the bun considering it didn't look bad. I came out and headed down stairs to see Seth drinking what looked like coffee at the rather big kitchen island and Leu sat with him.

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