Chapter 5: Katherine

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Seth's POV

When I got in the Taxi I called after walking off from Katharine I decided to text her. I really didn't have to but I didn't stay to see if she made it in her apartment safely.

"I'll send you the volunteer schedule tomorrow be on the look out for it, and call this number if anything happens and I mean anything, understood?"

By anything I mainly meant her dad. I swear if he so much as lays a finger on her again I might not be able to contain myself. I'm also not too fond of the area her apartment is in.

"Understood, thank you."

"Goodnight Katherine."

She doesn't deserve any of this and she's been alone for years. If anyone found out that I'm going to pay her under the table there would be a lot of questioning on my end. I find myself not being able to get those bright green orbs out of my head. She looks at me like she wants to trust me but she has seen first hand of where trusting someone can get you.

She reminds me of younger me. When I was a little boy my dad would always beat on my mom and all I could do was stand by and watch. I was to afraid to take action. Even if I did he would have came for me. In this case Katherine is both me and my mom.

The thought of Mr.Price hurting her drives me insane. He lost his wife and Katharine lost her mom. She shouldn't of had to lose both parents in one day. Just because he wanted to blame someone. Katherine has been going through hell just to make sure her sister has a chance at a great life.

I can't seem to clear my mind of Katherine. I wonder what she's thinking about or if she's sleeping fine. Her shoulder took a really bad blow. I need to give David, my driver, a call to pick her up tomorrow. She can make groceries to get her through the week.

She also needs to see a doctor. I'm not sure how much damage her body has taken from the years of little food. I know plenty of doctors who will give her a check up without any insurance or parent consent. I'll just need to schedule it.

Finally settling in for the night I remember I have meetings tomorrow. So I should probably get some rest.

Katherine's POV

I've been laying in bed for quite a while it's now 12 pm. Everything from yesterday has been running through my mind like crazy. Seth is helping me so much, I just hate to be a burden on people. In the hospital he seems to be sweet and caring, I just recently witnessed his demanding side.

He tends to order me around, I wonder if it's because of my age. Speaking of age how old is he? He seems pretty young especially being a head doctor over a chemotherapy treatment facility.

I feel guilty just laying here doing nothing for some reason. *buzzzzzzzzz* I here the phone I got yesterday and it's not on my dresser so I start feeling around the bed. *buzzzzzzzz* Crap it's going to stop ringing. *buzzzzzzz* "Found it!" I picked it up to see the only caller id that was in the phone when I got it. Seth Hunter. So I quickly answer it kind if excited.

"Good morning Seth!" I say with a cheery tone.

"Ms.Price you do realize it's noon." He sounds amused.

"To you probably, but not me. Morning starts for me whenever I'm out of bed."
"You're still in bed?" He said it like it was hard to believe.

"It's Sunday, where else would I be? " That came out sarcastic but he didn't seem to mind.

"Is that sarcasm, Katherine?" I could tell he was probably smiling on the other end as he put more emphasis on my full name.

"Is that the name I like to go by, Seth?" I was a little annoyed but talking to him made me really happy so the annoyance was out weighed.

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