Chapter 6: What just Happend?

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Seth's place ⬆⬆

Katherine's POV

Getting ready for school this morning wasn't so dreadful. Probably due to the fact that I get to see Seth. My morning routines went so smoothly I even made it to school early.

Which is good because I get to talk to Llaya. I go up to her when I see her at her locker.

"HEY LLAYA" She jumped. I was probably a little to loud considering how early it is.

"KAT, you scared me how come you're in a cheery mood? Wait no how come I haven't heard from you all weekend? I called you Friday night and you weren't home. I was getting worried." She grew more and more curious with every question .

" So much went down this week Llaya." I said with a distant smile on my face.

"Uhhh waiting." I trusted her too much not to tell her each and every detail.

So that is exactly what I did I started with how I met Seth and how he seemed really concerned and sincere about helping me. The entire time I talked about him the thoughts lit up my face.

"This must seem so surreal." Llaya said.

"You don't know the half of it. I've never trusted a guy the way I trust Seth." I smiled.

"Seth.... You call him by his first name?" Llaya asked.

"Yea, he told me I could when we aren't working." I've gotten use to his first name hopefully I won't slip up at the wrong time.

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH KAT!!!!" Her outburst made me flinch. I guess me and Llaya are taking turns scaring each other this morning.

"What?" I looked out her curiously.

"You totally have a crush on Dr.Hunter." I frowned at her comment.

"Llaya I don't like him like that?" I commented back making it sound like a question rather than a confident statement.

"How would you know Kat you've never had a crush on anyone?" She keeps talking like she's unraveling a mystery.

"Alright and how would you know?" I asked with a slightly defensive tone in my voice.

"Where do I start? Oh, I know.Example A, you haven't stopped smiling since you brought him up. Example B, you've never let anyone hug you except Abby and occasionally me and especially not a guy. Example C, you can't even give me a confident answer on whether or not you like him. Shall I go on? " I stopped and thought for a minute.

"I think you're right?" These feelings mad me frown I've never liked anyone.

I've found some guys cute before but Seth definitely beats them all. The thought of a guy hugging me immediately makes me feel uncomfortable. The thought of Seth hugging me is welcomed. I wish I were in his tight embrace as we speak. But there's a huge problem.

"Llaya he's 24 years old." I looked at her hoping she connected the dots.

"What's wrong with that? "She could be really clueless sometimes.

"I'm 18, he definitely sees me as some type of helpless young immature orphan or something."I came to a realization.

"Did he physically say that Kat?"

"No but his actions say enough. Besides he looks like a freaking god. There's beautiful women out there that would love to be by his side." There was no reason for me to believe in something that I knew wouldn't happen.

"You're making assumptions Kat?" She tried convincing me.

"Yea, but good ones and I know it." I went from happily crushing on Seth to painfully crushing on him.

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