Chapter 24

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It's been 8 amazing months since me and Abby were adopted. Sarah moved into a slightly bigger house that was located directly in the middle of Abby's elementary and drum role please...... The #1 art school in the state that I Katherine Price got accepted into.

Graduation was 2 months ago and definitely one of the most memorable events in my life. Seth bought me an all white Mercedes G-wagon. I told him I couldn't accept it because of the price. His exact words were. "Well it's either this car or an even more expensive one." I've come to the conculsion he's insane.

"Why get me a car when I'm not even comfortable diving yet. Who knows if I'll ever drive Seth." He gave me his devilish smile.

"I know because I'm about to teach you." He dangled the keys in front of my face.

I looked at him with confusion. There was nothing but seriousness in his eyes. I'm convinced there's only one way to get out of this situation. Run.

Before my feet could catch up with my brain he figured out my plans. I had been caught and carried to the car.

He managed to get me in the driver's seat and buckled me in with countless efforts until I gave up. I knew I'd just escape once he walked around to the passenger seat.

"I know you'll try to escape when I go to the passenger side but please Katherine do this for me. I'm not expecting you to be comfortable with driving today but just try to learn. It'll give me peace of mind to know you won't be walking on the streets alone when I'm on a business trip. Having one of my drivers take you places is not an option because you don't trust there driving so what better person to trust then yourself." I looked into his pleading eyes and fell into his spell.

" Llaya will probably drive me around forever." He frowned gaining a laugh from me. I started to trust being in Llaya's car recently. He hates her driving since he seen her almost run over a classmate when he dropped me off at school about a month ago.  With his non wavering seriousness I decided that I'd at least try.

" Alright I'll try" His face glowed and he kissed me in place of a thank you.

That day I rode on my brakes and closed my eyes as every car approached almost giving Seth a heart attack. Cars honked and sped around sharing very creative words.

Seth's birthday was a month ago but we couldn't celebrate because he had an important business trip. So we decided we'd celebrate when he gets back. Which happens to be tonight the day before my birthday.

I told him we'd both exchange gifts and they had to be under $100. I couldn't think of one thing he'd want for his birthday. He's never talked about material things that he likes other then cars.

I new exactly what I wanted him to have but I was to nervous to even admit it out loud. Tonight was approaching fast and his flight was going to be here whether I had everything together or not I just had to get it together and put my nerves aside. So I called the only person that has experience and could prepare me for what I wanted to do. After a couple of rings she picked up.

"KAT IT FEELS LIKE WE HAVN'T TALKED IN AGES" I laughed knowing she'd say that.

" I do recall us talking this morning Llaya." I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me.

" Like I said ages, anyways have you decided on what you're cooking tonight for Seth when he makes it home." She was always checking in on my progress even when it related to my own college classes.

" That's literally the only thing I have together" I'm sure she heard my frustration through the phone.

"You haven't even gotten him a present besides the cooking him dinner part?" She asked a little shocked.

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