Chapter 17: When I'm with you

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After I went and checked on Abby. Seth drove us to Sarah's house on his break. Something between me and Seth has been different. Not in a bad way though. We've been becoming a lot more touchy feely then usual and to be honest I love it.

It's weird to think just some months ago someone brushing against me made my skin cringe. Now the only thing I want Seth to do is touch me. Thinking about it makes me to blush.

The entire ride home while Abby was sleep. He kept his hand on my thigh except this time he rested it further up and gave it the occasional squeeze. I probably sound ridiculous right now but this again is something I've never experienced.

When I got Abby into the shower and off to bed after dinner I went to my room and called Llaya. I talked to her a little about me and Seth.

" YOU'RE GROWING UP SO FAST YOU ARE GONNA MAKE ME CRY." Llaya yelled in the phone.

"Llaya we're the same age." I rolled my eyes like she could see me.

"I know but I never imagined the day we'd have these conversations together." Neither could I honestly.

"So tell me my little rebel child, the first question you need to ask yourself is are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Ready for what? Ready for sex Kat what else?" I chocked on the small ice cube I had in my mouth from the water.

"Who said anything about sex?" I asked her with shock in my voice.

"Just because it isn't talked about doesn't mean it won't happen. I'm pretty sure he's  been thinking about it even if you haven't. I mean he is in his 20s he's probably had tons of experience." I'm kinda at a loss for words. "Hello Kat..... Are you still there?"

"Yeah.... I don't know if I'm ready."

"That's exactly what I thought but I got alone with Brandon and heck one thing led to another. First we......"

"Alright Llaya I think I've heard enough." She laughed through the phone.

"Baby steps got it. Just remember to use protection. He's a doctor so I doubt you'd have to buy some."

"Oh how I love your bluntness." I said with a voice laced with sarcasm.

"You should probably talk to him about it, you know, see where his head is at."

"And how do you suppose I bring that type of conversation up Llaya? Oh Seth let's talk about you taking my virginity."

"I think that is perfect." I rolled my eyes at her response.

We finished the conversation a while later. I looked at the clock and I realized it was 12am. Laying down I found that it was hard for me to sleep. At times like this I begin to think about everything bad that's happening. I'm going to be beyond tired in the morning for school.

Staring off into space as the time went by I got a message from Seth.

"Goodnight beautiful."-Seth


"Why are you still up? Are you ok?"-Seth

"Yeah I just can't sleep for some reason. I'm fine though."

I lie because he shouldn't worry more then he already has about me. He didn't text me back so I thought maybe he had fallen asleep until 40 minutes later I got another text.

"Come open the front door."-Seth

Frowning at the text I tiptoed down the stairs so I wouldn't wake up Abby or Sarah. When I made it to the front door I quietly opened it.

Seth was standing at the door with a black hoodie and grey sweats. When I looked at him I noticed his eyes were all over me. I completely forgot I had on a tank top with no bra and the shortest pair of shorts I owned.

It's not everyday I get visitors this late at night. Feeling shy I hid behind the door to let him in. When he entered he quietly headed up stairs to my room. I locked up and followed him.

When I entered the room I locked my door I crossed my arms together feeling even more exposed from the lamp in my room.

"Why did you come over?"

"Because I know when you're lying even when we text." He jumped in my bed and grabbed the remote to turn on the tv.

"I'm not lying." I crawled over him to get to the opposite side of the bed.

Before u could retreat under the covers he grabbed my hips and stopped me from completely climbing over. I straddled him while he held me in place.

"You are lying beautiful, tell me what's wrong?"

"I always tell you how I'm feeling, it's your turn." I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around his neck.

My actions caused him to look down at my body.

"Stop looking at me like that." My cheeks are probably on fire.

"I can't help it, your so beautiful, I feel like I don't say it enough."

"You say it everyday Seth I'm waiting for you to stop saying it."

"I'll stop saying it- when you believe it. Then -when you see just how beautiful you are- I'll continue to say it." He started peppering kisses along my neck in between his words.

I closed my eyes reveling in the new feeling. He continued to talk as he began to prolong the kisses down my neck.


"Hmm" I couldn't even get complete words out.

"You're beautiful." He whispered it into my neck then lightly bit down on a spot close to my collar bone.

The feeling caused me to release a light moan. The shock of the noise I made caused me to open my eyes to see Seth's face close to mine we looked down at each others lips.

Not being able to take it anymore I crashed my lips on to his. The kiss grew more and more. He guided me backwards on the bed and got on top of me without breaking the kiss. He returned to my neck except the kisses and bites were more aggressive this time. His hand massaged my hip and traveled up until they found my breast.

My breathing was increasing and my body was on fire and the last thing I wanted to do was stop. Feeling the effect I had on his body between me made my mind unclog and realize what was taking place.

If I can't decide whether or not I'm ready then I must not be. As if Seth read my mind he brought his head from my neck and kissed me on the cheek as soft and sweet as he could.

"If I so much as go a little further I won't stop, and I don't think your ready for that. Sorry if that was to much." He stared in my eyes with worry like he was waiting for a response.

"You're right I don't think I'm ready either but that wasn't to much." He smiled and pecked my lips sweetly.

Laying on his back he pulled me onto his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso and relaxed. He played with my hair as he flipped through the channels.

"You never told me what's wrong with you" I told him with a questioning tone.

"Nothing that can't be fixed when I'm with you." I felt him place another kiss on the top of my head.

I let out an exhausted yawn and felt myself slowly drift off. The last thing I remember were the sheets being pulled up on us both.

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