Chapter 13: What kind of father are you?

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Katherine's POV

The bright sun peered into my eyes forcing me to open them. I felt a light breath on my neck and strong arms tightly around my waist holding me close. Realization came when I recognized my surroundings. I was in Seth's room. My memory of the start of a movie came unto my head causing me to remember that me and Seth watched one last night. I'm not 100% sure when I fell asleep. He could have woken me up to go to my room if he wanted.

The hem of my shirt has ridden pretty far up exposing my skin allowing me to feel Seth's firm yet soft hands on my waist my back to his front. The closeness makes me blush but self consciousness quickly follows. If his hands were to slide up just I little he'd feel my protruding ribs. What will he think of me? He'd probably be disgusted if he saw my body. How will he see me? Better yet how does he see me now?

Adjusting my head a little on the pillow I think about the great sleep I had and how I don't want to get out of his arms. I forgot what it felt like to feel safe and protected while I slept. My thoughts ended when I felt Seth take a deep breath feeling it on the back of my neck. His hands started to caress my stomach and waist.

I took in a sharp breath at the feel of his skin moving over mine. I'm pretty sure it shouldn't have an effect on me but this is new to me. I've never let anyone touch me like this. I sound pathetic, right?

"Are you awake?" His voice comes out more raspy and deep then usual from sleep. The tone of his voice and the skin to skin contact had me wide awake now.

"Yea, sorry." His hand stopped moving.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"Because I didn't mean to fall asleep, you could have woken me up you know?"

"I could have but I didn't want too Katherine." He whispered in my ear causing my entire face to heat up I'm glad he can't see me or he'd see how red my face is.

I then felt his soft lips press against my neck causing my heart to race, it can probably be heard beating out if my chest. His lip linger for some time as I closed my eyes taking in the feeling.

Something started to vibrate and I realize it was my phone, feeling around in the sheets I find it. Seth let me go and got out of the bed to go into his restroom. I look at the caller ID and see Llaya's name. I talked to her two days ago.

"Hey Llaya." Getting out of Seth's bed I walk out to head back to my room. On my way out I bump into something making my phone hit the floor. Looking up to see Leu.

"Sorry.... Katherine." As she said my name her eyes ventured to Seth's room door that I'd just walked out of and back to me.

She scanned my clothes as if she'd been putting pieces together. She must have just realized I spent the night in Seth's room. She doesn't look to pleased.

"It's ok Leu." Quickly picking up my phone I scurry past her eventually reaching my room.

Leu knows I'm here because I needed help and that Seth can somewhat relate to my position. I doubt very seriously she knows about me and Seth's feelings for each other.

"Sorry about that Llaya." I put my phone up to my ear.

I went into my bathroom and started brushing my teeth while she talked.

"It's fine I can't talk long but it's an emergency, my dad ran into yours yesterday and well he asked about you. He asked my dad if you'd been staying with us." Her words made me freeze causing goosebumps to cover my arms.

"What did..... Your dad say?"

"He told him he works so late at night and leaves so early in the morning to know when you ever spend the night." Slight relief seeped in but the thought if him finding me still made me tremble with fear.

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