Chapter 18: Promise

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I haven't seen Katherine since the night I spent the night in her room. The morning after that night I left the house before anybody woke up. Avoiding that awkward conversation with Sarah was the only thing on my mind.

She's tried bringing up me and Katherine's relationship before but I find a way around it. Honestly I know proceeding further into this relationship is wrong in a lot of people's eyes but God she makes me happy.

I would never do anything to hurt her. Tomorrow I plan on taking her out on our first date. Today would have been my ideal day but I have to meet up with Sarah and the lady from CPS to talk about Katherine and Abby.
Pulling up to the coffee shop we were scheduled to meet at I got out and headed in. After spotting Sarah and Melissa the CPS worker I noticed there was a man and women seated at the table as well next to the lawyer I hired the night when I got Katherine and Abby out of there house. Knowing I didn't call him up to be here for the meeting I knew something was up.

When I arrived at the table the man and women that I didn't know stood and shook my hand.

"Hello Dr.Hunter my name is David Price and this is my wife Daisy." While he spoke to me he held arrogance in his voice like I should be intimidated. I shook his hand firmly while allowing my eyes to drift over to my lawyer.

"Dr.Hunter this is Katherine and Abby's Aunt and Uncle from Washington." My lawyer clarified hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you two,why the far travel?" We all took our seats at the round table without me and David breaking eye contact.

"Well I've already ran this by Sarah a couple of days ago but I heard from my brother and he notified me about his daughters and there position...." He paused.

"Go on." I gestured for him to continue.

"Well my brother is aware that me and my wife here have been interested in adopting and we'd like to take Abby off your hands." It angered me the way he spoke like she was something we were willing to just let go.

"I don't feel that it is in there best interest to separate Abby from Katherine considering you two reside in Washington." I tried taking a simple approach to denying them.

Mr.Price was a messed up guy and I don't know what made him the way he turned out. Yes he went through something tragic but his upbringing made him deal with the situation the way he did. At least that's what the doctors down at the center he's kept at have been saying.

If that's the case this David guy can't be trusted either.

"Abby is young enough to adjust to a change Dr.Hunter and Katherine is old enough to deal with one. Us being the closest relatives to them we'd have no problem fighting for custody, heck it wouldn't even be a fight. With our relation to Abby and I don't know some money involved I'm pretty sure we'd be successfully granted what we want."

"You know David, I think you have the conclusion that you can do whatever you want when it comes to these girls. For one, moving Abby will only set her back. We've made outstanding progress with her treatments and we have been monitoring her for some time now. She's under the best care here. Not only is it vital to her health physically I don't feel she'd be able to mentally take on anymore changes her sister is the last person she's closest with. Separating them would be like ripping the only thing away she has left." My voice raised higher then I intended and I hadn't realized until Sarah lightly put her hand on my shoulder.

"Dr.Hunter I'm pretty sure we'd be able to find a doctor as good as you if not better and as far as her sister Kathy, Katherine, whatever her name is she can come along to if it means we get Abby considering she'll be graduating in a few months time."

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