Chapter 1

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The girls and I were sprawled over the couches, exhausted from our last day of rehearsing for the award show tomorrow night... The VMA'S. Just like always, after rehearsals we would just sit back, relax while catching up on the latest news and opening up some mail that was sent to us from our fans (they were the greatest).

We were beyond excited to preform tomorrow. Especially me, since I'd never been to an award show before. The other girls, Selena, Kylie and Rose were actresses for a few years now (Selena and Kylie had just finished filming their latest movie) so they've been to different award shows, seen different celebrities and been to many different interviews. They were more used to all the lights and people screaming for them, but to me, it was all new and completely fascinating.

Even though sometimes (okay, most times) I would feel bad that they got the majority of the attention, I never really complained. No one really cared that I was the one who brought our group together, and made the important decisions, aside from our manager. It didn't matter though, what mattered was that we had all been close for about 10 years now, and we stuck together through thick and thin.

So... how did we get famous? Well it started off with me and Selena, who were best friends from high school. We had this dream and did everything to chase it- so that meant that every audition we would find, we were at. Later on the way, Selena introduced me to her two other friends, Kylie and Rose, who were also very talented. From then, we started putting videos of us singing online in hopes to find someone who would want to sign us.

That's where our crazy manager, Alison comes in. She had enough of us singing and getting no where, and believed we would get big so she found a way to get us to record our very own demo CD. A month later, we got signed to a LA Records and came out with our song 'Wings', which suddenly attracted a lot of the younger kids and teen girls. Now every where we went, people recognized us and asked for our pictures and autographs. That's something I could never get used to.

"Guys..." Out of nowhere, Kylie sat up and peered at the TV screen. "Eminem has a new freestyle where he disses us." She raised her eyebrows, like she couldn't believe it.

We all followed her gaze. Right there on MTV was news that Eminem decided to take a jab at us with his new song.

We were all fans of Eminem, I mean who wasn't? He was the most famous rapper, he sold millions on his last album, the Marshall Mathers LP, and he put so much into his music and performances, who wouldn't love him? But he was also known for stirring lots of shit up with his music, so something told me this wasn't going to sound good...

As they played the song, we listened, obviously with lots of worry. The first bit was just him rhyming things together... Then he said "the last thing we need is another sissy girl or boy group, like who the fuck are Divine 4? 3 snobby actresses and some new whore," then he changed his tone of voice to sound like an annoying brat "Hi my name is Melissa Mitchell, I'm trying to be your kids' new role model." he sang. And that was when Kylie turned off the TV.

We exchanged glances in silence, just letting that all sink in.

Rose broke the silence and said "What a jerk."

"Does he honestly not have anything better to rap about?" Kylie said, leaning back on the couch with her eyebrows furrowed.

Kylie had a bad temper so it was no surprise that she was the most upset. But before she got any worse, I decided to say something.

"You know what, it's not that big of a deal." I said. "We shouldn't let it bother-"

"Melissa... did you not HEAR him?" Kylie cut me off, her eyes wide. "How are you not offended?"

Say "I Love You" (Eminem Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now