Chapter 9

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"You told Alison you don't want to do the song anymore?" Kylie exclaimed, early the next morning.

Ugh. Another day another headache. Where was the Advil again?

"Weren't you the one who said oh what a great idea, let's go ahead and do it. And now you want to back out?" She continued, as I was pouring my coffee. Sometimes I wondered why staying together was a good idea in the first place.

On the other hand, my phone was blowing up with texts from my ex- Ethan. That was no surprise, it was just like any other weekend, where he'd beg for me back and I'd ignore the hell out of him.

"Of course you're not listening, you're texting your new asshole boyfriend."

This time I looked up. "Excuse me?"

She looked back at me with raised eyebrows. The other girls didn't say a thing. Not even Selena.

I felt my face start to heat up. "Even if I was talking to him, which I'm not-" I snapped, shoving my phone in her face so she can read Ethan's name. "It's none of your business."

"Uh, someone has to make sure you don't make stupid mistakes."

I let out a breath. Okay. Don't throw your phone at her... stay calm.

"I can take care of myself." I said, finally, trying really hard to keep my composure. "Oh and ever since the beginning I've been the one taking care of this group. So thanks for your concern but it's not needed." I uttered, before leaving the kitchen. I suddenly did not want to see either of them any longer.

I spent the rest of the day, in my room, re-evaluating a lot of things. Whether I was really appreciated in this stupid group, whether they were even my friends, and whether I should just drop out. The whole time, no one even came to see how I was doing or apologize for not taking my side!

And this is all because of one stupid song Eminem put out. And it's not like I even wanted to be with him, I mean I was doing my best to avoid him just because I didn't want to upset my own friends. But now maybe I should do some re-thinking about that.

I was so frustrated that I decided to dress up, grab my bag and head to the studio to see Tina without saying a word to the girls about where I was going. On times like this, only Tina helped me feel better.

Before I met her, I glanced over quickly at Em's studio and was relieved to see that it was empty. After the way I left him last time, I really didn't want to see him again. Just thinking about it made my heart sink and cheeks flame. To recap, I ran away from his offer to re-experience that (apparently) amazing night in the hotel room. Which was the right thing to do... Atleast I kept telling myself.

Just because I was curious, I walked by his studio to see how things turned out in there after the mess that was made a few days ago. To my surprise, everything was back to normal. No more chairs flipped, buttons broken and papers scattered all over.

"Looks nice, huh?"

I jumped, startled, then put a hand over my racing heart. It was him.

"Didn't mean to scare you." He said, his blue eyes glistening. "We ... couple guys... back to... used to be.... even nicer." He explained, but I was so lost in his eyes I couldn't make out all the words he said. Instead, all I could think about was his words from the other night.

Say "I Love You" (Eminem Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now