Chapter 23

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The next week was a difficult one.

We had a busy schedule every day - wake up at 7, interviews, photoshoots, studio, performance practice and then bed by 11. The days were endless- not that we weren't enjoying ourselves. The girls and I were getting closer again, now that my focus was on the group.

And our album was almost complete. We were going to release our next single - Bad Girls, before officially putting out our album - Good Girls Gone Bad (yes, Trey got the album title from me!). We had also been occupied shooting the album art. The album cover involved the the girls standing behind me in a V shape, and I was at the front. We were all in short white dresses, with half of our side being light blue to reflect the "good" side, and the other half red to reflect the "bad." It was the perfect cover for this album.

To make things even more convenient, we were given a dance space right beside our studio building, where we could perform a mash up of our songs Bad Girl and Buttons to present at the Billboard Music Awards in just two weeks. The producers are expecting us to be the stars of the show, as they told us that over 60% of the audience was most excited to see us!

Yes, our fans were growing. Just last month, we would do performances with maybe 100 to 200 fans cheering our names. Now, we have fans lined up outside buildings, screaming and holding up posters with our faces on them, dying to get our photos and autographs. Things were changing... and fast.

But I had to admit, I loved hearing our fans actually remember my name for once. In fact, I was finally starting to feel like a lead singer. Of course it helped that I was sort of involved with Em and had just starred in JT's music video.

Speaking of Justin, after our hook up in the parking lot (and realizing he's a good kisser), I decided to let him take me on a second date (just kidding, I went out with him because he really was sweet). So on top of all promotions around Divine 4, JT and I were all over the media as the new "it" couple or whatever they called us on magazines. I was beginning to realize why celebrities hated paparazzi so much.

What about Em, you may ask? Apart from being asked about the performance together in interviews and hearing speculations that we were together, I hadn't seen him for days! And I was actually happy because I was forgetting about my feelings for him.

"Hey Tina." I greeted as I searched through the mail near her desk, looking around for anything delivered to our group. We were just recording our last song for the album and had taken a quick break. 

"Hey." I heard her say, but very unenthusiastically. That was unusual of her. I didn't have much time to chat with her though, I had to get back to the studio, so I simply continued looking over the mail. "Did you dye your hair? You look good." I heard Tina mention again.

"Thanks!" I smiled, grabbing a letter with my name on it. I had actually dyed my hair darker, closer to black. I figured it looked nicer with my new tan.

I began opening the letter to see what was directly mailed to me. I heard Tina add, "How's Justin?"

"Good." I said, nonchalantly, as I ripped open the envelope. In fact, I had just received a super nicely decorated letter inviting me to a party Justin was hosting.

"Em says hi." She said again, which made me stop. My heart skipped a beat just hearing his name.

I ignored her though. I didn't see him in a long while, and he was practically out of my head. What I was now paying attention to was this super formal invitation. And no plus ones? How would I explain this to the girls?

"He wants to talk about getting together with you." Came Tina's voice again, making me suddenly turn to her giving her that "are you serious?" expression. She scoffed. "Look at you. You haven't even spoken to him in days." As I thought- what she said about him wasn't true, just her way of getting my attention. I rolled my eyes at her. "Even though you pretend like you don't care about him, it's clear you still do." She remarked, looking disappointed in me.

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