Chapter 39

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** 2 months later **

I was listening to the TV as my wardrobe team was working on my dress for the upcoming awards show - the BET Awards. Coincidentally, the talk show was listing the performers on the show.

"Melissa Mitchell is among the list, performing a surprise song, potentially from her new album." One of the hosts said, making me smile. It was true, I was set to perform a song that no one heard before- my first single for my album.

Yes- my new solo album. I was finally signed to a record label, and not just any record label. It was Jive Records, with artists like Britney, Usher and even Justin Timberlake. In fact, the owner, Clive, approached me in person and said that while being impressed with me, he was also recommended by "a well-known young man who he trusted" to sign me. I had a good feeling it was my own friend, Justin Timberlake.

Now, I had a few singles released which did extremely well and I couldn't be happier with the control I had over my music. It was definitely a blessing, especially after what had happened to me a few months ago. Although thanks to hours of therapy, I didn't remember it quite much. I knew my ex boyfriend had turned into a lunatic and almost killed me in my apartment, but thankfully, my bodyguard was there to save me. He had to shoot him because he was dangerous, but apparently seeing him die left a terrible impact on me... and that's where my psychiatrist came in.

"Funny enough, Divine 3 is also set to perform. They will be performing their album hits, without ex-member Melissa of course." The host went on. I immediately tuned out anything Divine 3 related in my head. Instead, I turned my attention to the giant mirror in my closet, while my stylists were getting my measurements to make sure the sequinned dress fit perfectly.

I should mention I also moved into a penthouse apartment in Beverley Hills. Now I had my own gorgeous place, free from the girls who had ruined my life. I felt everything was close to perfect in my life.

"Beautiful." My mother enthused, appearing at the door. I smiled at her through the mirror. "I cannot wait for your performance, darling. You are going to be terrific." She walked closer to me, patting me on my shoulders as she watched me, proudly. I was thankful for her- she was there for me these past few months. "Now, I'm going to run some errands, but I want you to get some rest today okay? You're flying to New York tomorrow." Right, which was where the awards were held.

My attention moved towards the TV again, when the hosts announced, "And perhaps the most sought-after performance will be Eminem's." His picture appeared on the screen. I suddenly felt a spark rush through me, as if it was seeing someone familiar. That always happened when I saw him, leaving me feeling confused. "It'll certainly be an interesting night, especially after his alleged breakup with-"

The TV suddenly shut off. "No need to listen to that nonsense." My mother's voice came. I knew she despised him and she always told me that he had never treated me with respect whenever I brought him up. I also knew he used to be in my life because there were paparazzi photos of us, but I was told we were only friends a long time ago. Still, a part of me felt like there was more...

Sadly, after what happened with Ethan, there was a lot about the past few months I couldn't remember.

"Anyways, I'm off." My mother continued. "And sweetheart... don't forget to consider making me your manager again." She flashed me a heartfelt smile.

"Of course." I smiled back, trying to get my mind off him. My mother had asked me to make her my manager, now that she was no longer managing Divine 3. I knew our relationship wasn't the greatest at first, but it was different now. Still, I wasn't sure if I needed anyone to manage me yet.

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