Chapter 21

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I was showered with compliments once I got off stage. Everyone was telling me how impressive my performance was, and thankfully that I was like a natural, even though I felt frozen for most of it. I just passed through, to get a moment to breathe, while also looking for Em. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I opened it to see hundreds of messages, something I knew was going to happen. It started ringing, with Allison's name appearing on my screen. Oh God...

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" I heard Proof claim from beside me. I put my phone away and turned to him. 

"No, it wasn't." I admitted, gleaming. "But I still can't believe I did that." 

"You don't step out your comfort zone much do you?" He laughed. By the expression on my face, he knew that meant no. "Then what you doin' with Em?" 

I laughed at that. That was a question even I wish I knew the answer to. "By the way, have you seen him?" I asked, looking around. It was like I couldn't even have a moment with him. 

"Yeah, he's just gettin' ready for his interview." He affirmed, pointing to a TV set above us. I saw him taking a seat next to the host, Carson Daly. An interview? I wish I was told how long this night was going to be... I already knew Allison was waiting for me with fire in her eyes and head steaming until I got home. 

I decided to stay and watch until Em was done, just so I could see him after. Hell, the girls could wait until later. They already hated me, so maybe not seeing them tonight would help them cool down until speaking with them tomorrow. 

I sat beside Proof and the rest of his crew as we waited for the interview to start. When they finally went live, there was applause and then Carson began with "That was some performance! Didn't expect to see Melissa there at all." He told him, which got everyone cheering again. I felt my heart start flutter.

Em had a straight face. "Yeah, it kinda just happened last minute."  He stated. 

"So how did that even happen? I mean did you ask her to perform this song with you to make amends or something?" He questioned, chuckling. 

That got Em smiling a little. "Yeah 'cause the best way to make up is to get on a song together." He joked. "Uh, no, she just filled in for Dina who couldn't make it tonight." 

"So she was on the show recently, and she had some really nice things to say about you. I'm guessing you guys are friends now?" I felt my heart pound louder once I heard Carson say that question. 

Em just nodded, expressionless. Everyone suddenly cheered louder, as if that meant something else. 

"Or... maybe more?" Carson teased, raising his eyebrows at him. 

I could tell he was getting uncomfortable, as was I. I even felt eyes on me from everyone in that room and heard snickering. 

"Nah, man." Em stated. "Just friends. I ain't into datin' no more." He confessed, with a slight chuckle. And for some reason, that made my heart fall to my knees, as if I just heard the worst news.

But you knew this. I kept telling myself. For some reason, hearing him mention that made me feel like there was no way we could ever get together. Even though apparently he talks about me to his friends and he acts like he does like me. I was tired of getting mixed signals like not hearing a word from him and then suddenly being invited to his show.

Unless he only did it because he knew Dina wasn't coming and he just needed me to replace her, like he wanted all along. 

"So tell me about the new single..." Carson then said, which Em went on about how it related to his distrust in women based on his last relationships. But I couldn't pay attention any longer. As the interview went on, I could only think of what a mistake I made coming out tonight. I mean what was the point of this?

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