Chapter 22

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"You sweet talk me again, yo

I don't wanna be friends, no

Why am I such a fool when it comes to you?"

We were busy in the studio singing our second to last song, and things couldn't have gone any smoother. The girls and I were actually bonding again. We were in the studio, making jokes and putting in our best work to finalize the album. No arguments, no walking out, nothing. And best of all, I was actually the lead vocalist in many of the songs, but the girls weren't against it anymore.

Things were going back to normal again.

"We're thinking of going to our favorite sushi place today for lunch. You coming?" Sel asked, as we took a quick break.

"Oh..." I paused. "I would love to, except today's Justin's music video shoot." I remembered he asked me to come in that afternoon.

She grinned. "Oooh, you must be excited to see him again."

I nodded. Then I realized she was looking at me oddly. "Of course!" I cheered suddenly, realizing he was supposed to be my "boyfriend" or the guy I went on dates with, well at least to the girls. I hated lying to them, but at least I wasn't hiding Em from them anymore.

As I left the building to head towards Justin, I was stunned to see Em walk by. He had a grey beanie on and a dark red oversized sweater. He looked over to me, as if he wanted to say something but I quickly looked away and darted towards my car.

"Mel." He called from behind me, making my heart sink. I just pretended like I didn't hear him.

"Mel!" His voice got closer. I felt someone grab my arm right as I got to my car. I turned around to see Em, gazing back at me with his puppy dog eyes. "What, are you tryna avoid me again?"

I folded my arms. "No." I said, looking away from him.

"Then why the fuck haven't you been answerin' my calls?" He questioned, with a slight smile. "What's goin on with you Mel?" 

"What's going on is that I know the real reason you invited me to your show. You knew Dina couldn't make it and you just wanted to use me for your performance. You keep telling me how much you wish you had me on that song, well you finally got your wish last night." I narrowed my eyes at him. 

He looked taken aback. "I knew I shouldn't have invited you, knowin' how crazy your ass was." He shook his head. "I thought you might like to be there for the first performance of a song you was supposed to be on." He explained.

"Yeah but why would that matter to you? I could have just watched it at home on my TV." I remarked.

He looked at me for a moment, as if he was trying to come up with a response. 

"Just like I thought. You're such a liar." I said, before turning to my car. 

"Mel, you're fuckin' with me right?" He said, chuckling. "You can't be serious. You're mad over havin to perform with me? If you really didn't want to, you didn't have to Mel. No one fuckin' forced you." He sounded more frustrated as I got in my car, ready to leave.

"The sad part is that I actually had fun performing with you." I told him. 

He leaned closer to me. For a moment, I felt a connection between us too, as his warm eyes looked deep into mine. "Me too." He admitted, his voice low. It made me want to melt. "So what's the problem?" He asked.

"That is the problem." I felt that I was saying too much, but whenever my blood started to boil, I just couldn't stop talking. "You know how I feel about you yet you keep giving me all these mixed signals. Then you say that you don't want to be dating. I don't know what you want from me, but I don't want to keep doing this anymore."

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