Chapter 7

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My heart fell once I discovered what Rose had done.

"Rose!" I yelled, hoping this was all one big joke. "You put the video ONLINE?"

My head was aching. This could not be happening.

Right there in front of me, was the horrifying video of Selena and I acting like 2 drunk idiots as we sang along to D12's new song. The fact that it had almost half a million views made me feel even worse. So what was going to happen when D12 found out about this? Even worse...Alison?

Right on cue, Alison burst the door open and stomped towards us. God, why did she have a key to our condo?

"So... You girls got a little too wastey-pants last night huh?" She said, folding her arms, staring at each of us in disgust. I didn't even know where the hell she picked up wastey pants from. "And one of you posted this video on MySpace yes?" She continued.

We were sitting on the couches, avoiding her glare. When Alison was mad, it was too frightening to look into her eyes. She was scary-looking naturally, so imagine how scary she looked then. Think of the evil queen in the movie, Sleeping Beauty.

"It may seem like fun and games now but do you know what people are going to think of you? They're going to think you're all desperate for attention. What is this supposed to be? Some sort of diss to Eminem? Huh?" She went on, hysterically. "Melissa, you already went at it once-"

"Oh come on." I cut her off. "That video was clearly a joke." But she was too busy being overdramatic to notice. "Did you see how many likes we got? How many views it has? People loved it! Even check the comments."

Okay, I realized I was being a bit of a hypocrite. I mean I was freaking out over this a couple minutes ago, but I suddenly realized maybe it wasn't such a big deal after all.

"It was my mistake." Rose spoke up. "I'm really sorry." Ugh, I felt nauseous just seeing Rose being so sweet to her.

"Well fine." Alison's face relaxed. "But we can't afford any more mistakes."

Oh shut up, I wanted to say, but knew I shouldn't. I mean what, we couldn't have a little fun?

After Alison finally left, we watched the video a few more times. Kylie looked through the comments and read the top one out loud. "Divine 4 is probably the best girl group out there. Hot, funny, and they don't give a shit what people think, which is something you don't see lately. Who else thinks Melissa and Eminem should be together?"

I was speechless. Not only because people actually wanted us together but because the comment had over 400 likes.

Although I had thought about it, I never imagined it actually happening. I mean me... And Eminem? We were total opposites that would obviously not work out.

But at the same time...

"Congrats." Kylie said sarcastically. "Our fans want you and that asshole together."

Of course Kylie's hate for him hadn't died down.

When I got to the studio later that day, the girls were trying to calm her down since she was raging with anger.

"Guess what that asshole said to me?" Kylie asked, the moment I stepped in the room. Of course, once again this had to be about Eminem. "He said bitches like me are the reason he doesn't date anymore. Can you believe that? All I did was tell him to..." Suddenly, the rest of Kylie's words became a blur as I got lost in my own thoughts.

As much as I told myself I wasn't supposed to develop any feelings for him, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed finding out he didn't date anymore. This meant he would never see me as anything else than maybe a fling, which wasn't something I was interested in. If I were to let myself fall for someone, it would be to begin something serious, not just hook-ups.

Say "I Love You" (Eminem Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now