Chapter 30

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"Are you okay?" Tina asked with worried eyes. We were supposed to go into a meeting with our publicist soon, and while the rest of the girls were already in the meeting room waiting, I stopped to talk to Tina. "What even happened the other night?" She asked, referring to my outburst a few nights before.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said, feeling my stomach twist. It was bad enough we were going to be discussing it in front of all our team soon.

Her lips formed into a straight line. "Mel you are crazy for actually doing that but... she really deserved it." She said, her voice low so that no one could hear. 

I let out a chuckle. I haven't even spoken to Kylie since then, yet alone any of the girls. At the same time, I didn't even care to hold a grudge any longer. As soon as I realized the impact what I did could have on my career, the only thing that I cared about was ensuring not to make any more mistakes.

"So I have some news." I said, trying to maintain my excitement. Tina's eyes widened, attentively. "I called Marshall." She gasped. "And we're talking again..." I admitted, making her almost shriek. Thinking about it made my heart sink in my chest.

"Finally! I knew you should have called him!"

"I found the sweetest note that he wrote me and I felt horrible for not having read it earlier." I told her. Although I was sure the girls had something to do with it going missing in the first place. If I never saw it, him and I probably wouldn't have started talking again.  

"But you didn't get the roses?" She asked, making me give her a look. "I mean, if he even sent you any." She added, casually.

"Nice try. He already gave away the fact that you were a part of it." I informed her, then flashed her a smile. "Thank you."

"Anything for my favourite couple." She said, giggling. Right then, Allison yelled my name, which made me unwillingly drag myself into the meeting room.

I sat at the very end of the table, far away from the rest of the team like I was being placed on trial. Our publicist had the video of me attacking Kylie at the awards show playing on replay, as the rest of the team watched and analyzed it, talking about how bad the video looked while Kylie glowered at me the whole time.

"Do we have to keep re-watching it?" I protested. As if I wasn't embarrassed enough.

"Don't you have anything to say for yourself?" Allison said with cold eyes.

I was almost about to roll my eyes at her, but then I realized who was watching.

"I'm sorry." I lied. "Truly, I would take it back if I could." Only to save myself the embarrassment. "Kylie didn't deserve that." She deserved worse.

Allison and the girls looked at me in surprise. Yeah, I didn't think I could actually say that either. No one said anything in return except our publicist, who went on to talk about how we can deal with the situation.

"Interview shows will without a doubt question what happened to you Melissa. The only way to go about it is to blame it on something like lack of sleep. Your hard work in the team meant you had a few sleepless nights. That way, we save your image and the group's."

I nodded. It was the best excuse I could probably give to cover it up anyway.

That night, I waited impatiently for Marshall to call me again. Having not said a word to anyone about our relationship (or so I assumed), I asked him to call me at nights when the girls were asleep so I could talk to him quietly and keep what was going between us a secret.

Say "I Love You" (Eminem Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now