Chapter 18

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"I have some exciting news to share with you!" Alison exclaimed, first thing in the morning. Her eyes were only on the rest of the girls, and not me. Yay, news that doesn't concern me... again. 

"Get as much rest as you can now, because first thing tomorrow morning I'm taking you to shoot your first music video!" She said, making us all jump up excitedly, screaming up and down. Although I hated Alison, I didn't mind waking up in the mornings like this.

After the girls finished their breakfast and headed out the kitchen, only Alison and I were left. She was going through her agenda for the day so I hoped she wouldn't bother me, but I was wrong.

"So I noticed your songbook is empty." Her voice came from behind me. Ugh.

"Is there a reason why songwriting is going so slowly?" She asked, in her sweet but also threatening tone of voice. I knew exactly what she was referring to.

I narrowed my eyes at her. Right then, my phone vibrated and a message popped up. Ah- the perfect person to save me right now. "I guess I've just been busy with Justin." I responded, grabbing my phone to read the message.

Dance rehearsal 2nite at 7 then dinner after?

"In fact, I'm meeting him again to rehearse for his music video tonight." I said, excitedly, before replying that I was free.

Knowing it was work-related, and it would boost promotion for Divine 4, of course she couldn't complain. I had totally forgotten about him too, but he seemed to always pop up at the right times. And damn, was he a good cover up.

I really was excited to see him though, and to feature in his music video, which I still couldn't believe was happening. I immediately ran into my room to pack my comfortable dance clothes and take it to the studio with me before I met him that night. As I pictured in my head how our rehearsal would go, I suddenly realized he didn't only want to rehearse... but we were going to dinner after. So like a date.

How could I forget? I had been the one to suggest a date in the first place- only to make Em jealous. And now I didn't know whether I wanted to still go through with it, since all I could think about was Em. Obviously, any normal person would be totally psyched at the thought of dinner with Justin Timberlake... and then there was me, worrying about what Em would think.

I convinced myself we weren't together in the first place, and it felt like we would never be. So I had to put all other thoughts aside, and focus on tonight.

I stood in front of the mirror, holding a few dresses over me to see which looked best. Selena caught me before passing my room, and suddenly all the girls were helping me pick out a dress for the night.

At last, we decided on a silky red dress with a pair of black heels with straps. By we I mean the girls, who couldn't stop going on about how great I looked in that outfit.

Yeah except I was wearing it for the wrong guy...


I focused mostly on music at the studio. I wrote pages of song lyrics about a dangerous love, a forbidden romance and irresistible desires. You know, just things that were running through my mind.

Our music producer, Trey, was at the studio with me that day, creating the beat for our next single. I loved getting into a creative space with him, especially when it was just us two. It made me wonder how going solo would be sometimes.

"Baby you pretend that things ain't what they seem. All this tension telling me exactly what we should be...

Can you put your hands on my waistline, want your skin up against mine...

Say "I Love You" (Eminem Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now