Chapter 20

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"You look like you're expecting someone." Tina's voice came from behind me.

I had been doing my song writing in the lobby of the building, just wanting a change of scenery to help get my creativity flowing.

"I'm just working." I responded, innocently.

"Come on... You look like you're heading to a photo shoot everyday. You're obviously waiting on Em."

I gave her a look. "Why don't you announce it to the whole world?" I said, sarcastically.

"Oops, my bad." She apologized, realizing how loud she had been.

I got up, hopelessly, walking to her desk. "It's ridiculous right?" I admitted. I never got this dolled up for anyone. And this wasn't even like it was for someone I knew who liked me back for certain. We had an understanding that we would never be in a relationship - at least from what I knew. So why was I this caught up?

Tina looked upset for me. "I know he hasn't showed up in a while. Have you reached out to him?"

"No." I said immediately. "I'm trying to act as if I just don't care." I admitted. But I just wish I knew what he was up to. He and the rest of D12 hadn't been in the studio for a few days now, which was rare since Em practically lived here.

"The last time I saw him, I was too drunk to admit to him how I really felt. I literally just passed out." I added.

"Why don't you just admit it and figure out if he likes you too, then you can finally become the couple you're meant to be - Melinem." She said, enthusiastically. Of course that was way too good to be true.

I heard Allison call me back in the studio to start song recording. We were almost finished our album, with 8 songs already recorded. We had 4 more that our producer was pushing for - I just had to finalize the lyrics and the deadline was fast approaching so that meant more pressure on me.

But once that was all done, we could finally announce something extra special we were excited about too. Our very own tour for the first time! Of course, that was if we met the deadlines and if the album sold well, which we are hoping for (especially now that we have this new "image").

In the studio though, it felt as if the girls grew quiet the moment I stepped in. They had been giving me the cold shoulder for a while- ever since the music video incident. Even Selena- the closest one to me- was barely speaking with me.

I tried not to let it bother me as we started singing the lyrics to our new song in the recording booth. Allison decided we would combine our "good" and "bad" images by including songs that reflected both sides. For now, we were recording our song "Bad Girl," a song that was written by another songwriter and handed to us because I wasn't writing enough of those type of songs.

After our first recording, we could tell the team were busy having conversations about something. Soon after, Allison asked if we could re-do it but have me sing most of the vocals.

"I... I think it would sound better with all of us equally." I said, quickly, before the girls find more reasons to hate me. Even though on the inside, I was excited that they wanted to hear more of me.

"Yeah, yeah." Trey replied, but he didn't seem to care. "But we see you as the front of this new image. For this song especially, we agree that Melissa should be the center vocalist." He and a few others chimed in after, adding to his point.

I paused. I knew at that moment, everything would change. I had to stop this before this drew our group apart. "But I don't feel comfortable with that decision, I mean we're all a team." I said, looking at the girls to see their reaction. They seemed surprised I was even resisting them.

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