Chapter 41 - Final Chapter

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I just wanted to thank everyone for reading so far! It's been such a journey, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed seeing everyone's comments about what would happen next (haha)!

I had so much fun writing this. Thank you all for your appreciation. I still can't believe this story is going to end (it felt so bittersweet to write)!

But as always, I hope you enjoy! And I'd love to hear what you guys think. <3


It was the day of the BET awards. I felt empty the whole time as my hair, wardrobe and makeup crew filled the room, working their magic on me to get me picture perfect for the night.

And it really was magic. I didn't look like I'd been up all night staring at the ceiling, crying and cursing my life. My long dark hair looked voluminous as it fell over my shoulders and my smoky eyes matched the tight-fitted silver Gucci sequined dress I was supposed to wear tonight.

I may have looked good, but how I felt was a whole other story.

Yesterday I couldn't even formulate the words to apologize to Marshall, who was furious at me. How could I have apologized for things I was forced to forget? And worse- for things I'd never done?

Just thinking about it made my eyes watery. You're trapped. Came the little voice in my head. This is fame. You can't have everything.

Tina tried to cheer me up all day. I even heard her whispering to our crew to keep me distracted and entertained at all times. It only reminded me that she'd be the perfect manager. Plus, that was the least I could do for her, after being so cold to her these past few months.

All I had to do was put on a straight face for one night. It couldn't be too hard, right? Afterwards, I would go on vacation and take some time to myself. Last night I realized how hard I worked - spending days and nights in the studio. It wasn't healthy. I loved my fans and I loved my career, but if I continued like this, I would fall apart.

Obviously, Tina was attending the show with me. She was in a gorgeous green Versace dress, with her hair tied up. We walked to the limo together once ready, surrounded by paparazzi. Their flashing lights and loud cries used to startle me, but now they were just background noise.

I noticed I wasn't the only one who thought Tina looked beautiful though, as I caught Sebastian struggle to take his eyes off her. I tried not to think too much of it. Instead, I warned him to keep an eye out for Alison - I could never be sure if she would pop out of nowhere and sabotage my night. She was just lucky I didn't file a lawsuit on her.

"Got it." Came Sebastian's voice. "And Miss Mitchell?" I stopped walking to look up at him. "Good luck today." He said before he held the limo door open for Tina and I to get in. I flashed him a half- smile.

Before Tina sat, I spotted her exchanging looks with Sebastian. Then, as if she realized she did something wrong, her face went pale.

I sat in front of her, watching as she tried to hide what just happened. I suddenly remembered telling her not to get involved with him since I didn't want him distracted. I was ridiculous for ever saying that.

"You can tell me, you know." I said, after a moment. She opened her mouth, then closed it while her cheeks grew red. "I won't be mad. In fact, I think you and him make a great match."

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